Congratulations to the artists who took part in Leslie Saeta’s
September 2018, 30 Paintings in 30 days challenge!
In the beginning, I was working in batches, falling behind and catching up. I created two small series. That workflow sort of stuck with me, and in the end I have six small series. Maybe that gives a sense of continuity. Maybe not. Viewer favorites include days: 3, 13, 16, 17, 21, 23, 24, 27, and 28.
Which are your favorites? My picks are below.

Those of you who follow my blog know that the last six months I have been preoccupied with family health issues. I knew I had a busy September schedule. I fully expected that I would not be able to complete 30 paintings.
But guess what, I did. Ha ha! Thanks in LARGE part to your friendship and support. I am so grateful. The paintings I am satisfied with, are roughly as many as in earlier challenges. I am surprised and, again, thankful.
One reason I mention my struggles, is to let other artists know… we all struggle. I hope you don’t feel alone in that. Making new friends, cheering each other on and offering ideas. The gift of friendship is such a blessing. To the artists that reached out to me – thank you! So glad to have met you through the challenge!
Cheers to Leslie Saeta for bringing us together!
Cheers to the artists worldwide who took part!
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I am grateful to those who followed my progress this month.
You are a blessing to me!
Treat yourself to a look at the artist collages
on Leslie Seata’s 30 Paintings in 30 Days blog!
My Pinterest event board is bursting with fabulous art!