I see your furrowed brow. But soon enough, Valentines day will be here. Spoonflower is thinking ahead. Our challenge assignment this week is Funny Valentine. They are looking for a laugh, giggle or a smile.
Each of these cute Pandas has a message of their own. “You’re Beary cute”, “Time for a Bear Hug”, “You’re the Beary Best”, “You’re Beary Special”, “I love you Beary much”, “You make me Beary Happy”.

There is one main design, 4 variations, two colorways, and two coordinates with two variations. What time will the bus arrive if it leaves now? Kidding. (Sounds like a word problem.) Each coordinate comes plain, or with a linen effect.
This week there are 859 entries, voting is open now until December 6th.

Petite Plaid Pears placed at 306 of 1219 entries with 68 votes. Woo whoo! You can see in the top 63, so many colorful designs.
68 votes is only about 25%, but I am stoked at the 68! Haha. I really am grateful for your votes! Thank you for taking the time.
Happy December everyone! Wishing you JOY!