Mingus #97. 11,5 x 5.5 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.

Mingus #98. 11.5 x 5.5 in. watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.
Can you believe it? Thursday is the last day of #The100DayProject! I have to say, it has gone by fast. Due I am sure, to having so many distractions.
I was inspired again by the rain today. First Mingus disappeared, then the front range. Then they merged into one. A little lightening, and some small hail. We had two brief rain spurts. One in the morning, and then again in early evening. Also inspired by the O’Keeffe Postcard on my wall.
I would have liked more definition between the two ranges. I used a purple (Crimson Alizarin and Ultramarine) infused indigo for the front range. The red only shows in a couple of areas. But all is well. What happened in life, also happened on paper. One range in view. I also used a Le Pen. They are water soluble. Maybe that is the wrong term. I learned about these from Yevgenia Watts. Love her work, and love how she uses these pens.



I have updated the #100DaysOfMingus gallery. I organized it by month. So if you choose to view a slideshow, it will not be an all day investment.
#100DaysOfMingus Gallery
A Year In The Life Of Mingus

#8 WWM. 5.5 x 8 in. watercolor on Strathmore 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.
I am going to tell you that I did some coneflower studies in preparation for this painting. Truth is I botched the very first one, bottom left below. No use in wasting paper. Practice, practice. There is a link to this technique on my Pinterest Art Education Board. (For some reason, when I try to link to the pin, it brings up a search page.) I also goofed the stems in #8. I kept painting until they were barely visible. Ha ha ha .

Color studies
#9 was going really well. Until I finished. Only then did I realize I forgot the stems completely. I went back in and added them, but I think they could still use some work. A bit wonky.

#9 WWM. 5.5 x 8 in. watercolor on Strathmore 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado.
Wishing you a terrific Tuesday!
#98 has a great Oriental touch! What an endless display of inspiration. Thanks for sharing the photos. Always love your flowers!
Wow, thanks Carol 🙂 Oriental, nice 😉 Happy creating my friend 🙂
You have done some very interesting pieces today Sheila. I like #97 – it is bright and cheerful and real contrast to the storm painting which reflects the photo very well. I like your coneflower piece – the way the petals blend with the cone is great (the stems aren’t really important – lol. A super vase in the last piece with great texture!
Thank you Val, so glad you like them. I am finding it hard to get texture with these. I think it may be the paper. Or I might need to let the paint dry a bit more before I lay the texture sheet on it.
The technique is so fun. But again, getting the amount of water right is the challenge. Love your feathers – I am amazed you can paint so well on them, the details! 🙂
Congrats on reaching the goal! On to the next 100! :}
Have you noticed changes in your practice as a result of doing the daily exercises?
Hmmm. Good question Dave. I am less precious about each piece. It is easier to face a clean sheet of paper. I hope that will stay with me. I have several clean pieces ready to go. Just in case I wreck a piece. But I don’t remember using any of them. I may have a few times. I just made changes to what I was working on and posted it in spite of any flaws. The 12 x 5’s are somewhat larger than I usually work. And I am starting to feel they are too small. Interesting to me.
I have learned that a good, large round brush is a must have. Holds a ton of paint, and is versatile in mark making. The two I have are showing wear and tear. LOL ;o)
I will talk about this more in my follow up post. Enjoy your day Dave!
Sheila, I’m liking the ‘internal bleed’ of #98, with its less defined ranges, its rain-blurred edges. It further catches my attention because I made a welcome-to-the-world baby quilt for my first granddaughter using fabric in just these colors and with a tie-dyed kind of ‘bleed’ of colors—fabric selected to evoke the mountain ranges in Virginia which surround her.
Love your color studies piece! I’m now humming Tchaikovsky’s ‘Waltz of the Flowers.’
Oh that sounds gorgeous Dotty! Lovely gift 🙂 I am smiling, and love the thought that those simple blooms brought music to your mind. Of course I had to listen to it just now ;o) As thunder claps above me. 🙂 Love your description, as always.
Has been great following the100dayproject Sheila. Beautiful artwork. It’s a great idea to produce a series of works.
Thanks so much 🙂 Before this, I had about 30 Mingus paintings. I really do have a collection, and some mini series in there as well. Feeling good about that. 😉 Thanks for your kind words 🙂
Just visited your site, and WOW, I love your photos, prints and paintings! Happy creating to you 🙂
It’s a great idea to create a series, something I would love to do in my work and or collaboration sometime. Thank you for your compliments Sheila. Greetings from Ireland.
Hello Ireland:) Visiting there is on my bucket list. I have Irish ancestry. Such a beautiful country! A collaboration could be fun. And you could easily do a series in your chosen mediums. I still feel like I have too much to learn, and not enough to offer to a collaboration. LOL. But I just signed up for some classes, so that will change soon. 😉
My apologies for any inconvenience in leaving a comment. Maybe it is just a glitch. Your first comment did go thru, so I deleted the second one. 😉