Category Archives: Sketch

Getting Crowded

Adding Layers
Adding Layers

Today I am adding layers to the postcards. Pencil marks and scratches. I had a burst of energy at about 9:30 last night. It didn’t last long, but I did get quite a bit done. Some cleaning and what you see here.

Layer of Light
Layer of Light

I found a great discounted frame at Hobby Lobby. Solid wood. Just over six bucks! A steal. I think it may have been rejected because a couple of the corners don’t match up well. I used a black nail file and fixed that right quick. Haha.

I had no idea if it was a standard size. I knew I could find something to fit. I worked in framing years ago, and I can’t resist a great deal on a frame. Luck was on my side! It is standard, 8 x 10. Woo Whoo!

I knew I would paint it. Of course. You know me. It had a red undertone, and I wasn’t keen on it. I will add several layers. It will be darker and look slightly aged. I’m hopin’. Stay tuned.

Frame Update
Frame Update

I finally made a start on the Sandy Sandy class I won on Instagram. She will be doing more giveaways, follow her if you are interested. Her work is stunning and she is a wonderful teacher. (Thank you Sandy! And thanks to Christine B. or Kat V.R.! One of you tagged me for this.)

I have started on the videos that are included. And I have some sketches ready for painting. I don’t have a lightbox, so I use my computer screen to transfer the reference images.

Sketching Sunflowers on Yupo and Paper with Sandy Sandy
Sketching Sunflowers on Yupo and Paper with Sandy Sandy

“I am working with the enthusiasm
of a man from Marseilles eating bouillabaisse,
which shouldn’t come as a surprise to you
because I am busy painting huge sunflowers.”
Vincent Van Gogh

2018 LYA Side Swap Treasure Trove



Green Tree Sketch. 4 x 6 watercolor on paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado

Green Tree Sketch. 4 x 6 watercolor on paper. © 2018 Sheila Delgado


Green Tree.

I made a quick stop on the way home from Phoenix yesterday. Parked to enjoy a Mickey D’s ice cream cone. It was 96 degrees. Ice cream was prescribed. I also had good news from the Doctor. Well, not news really. He is ordering three more tests. I left his office confident that we will soon have answers. And hopefully, and end to this chronic cough.  So it was a bit of a celebration as well.

My view was of this brilliant, lime green tree trunk. There was also the beautiful cactus, four different birds and a tiny chipmunk I think. he was busy scarfing down on the bush in front of the tree. I took photos of him too, but all I got was a fuzzy grey blob.

I love these trees in Phoenix. They do not grow up here. They have lovely, graceful shapes, and the gorgeous color. There are also some with deep, almost black trunks. I am guessing those are older trees, but I have yet to confirm that.


Suzette Rothlisberger, Grantsville Utah


Suzette did an oversized card this year, 5 x 7. Perfect for framing. It is gorgeous! “Singing to the moon”. Lots going on here, layers of awesomeness. You might not be able to see, but there are hand written messages in there too.


Lynne Foerster, Orefield, Pennsylvania


This is a view from Lynne’s favorite walking trail. Isn’t it lovely? What a peaceful, joyful walk that would be. I can hear the birds chirping, and feel the breeze on my arms. The message on the front:

And suddenly you know:
It’s time to start something new
and trust the magic of beginning.
Meister Eckahart



Kelly Warren, Tallahassee Florida


This sweet face belongs to “Denver”. Kelly donates her time, taking photos of shelter dogs, to help them find a good home. Awww! She also make fabulous jewelry and does mixed media art as well.


Val van der Poel, Wynndel, BC, Canada


This wonderful scene is a perfect example of Val’s amazing trees. Val is great at a lot of things. She teaches, so naturally.  “Winter Sunset”, is a watercolor. Just look at that cheerful sky. On the back:

Art needn’t be “meaningful,
but it should make the artist
and the viewer feel something!!



Christine Brooks, Flagstaff Arizona


Isn’t this big bug beautiful?  I think it would be fun to paint. (Hint, hint.) Those sparkly wings! Christine still had some extras, so I got lucky and received a second one. Thanks Christine! WOO WHOO!

Thanks so much – Christine, Kelly, Lynne, Suzette, and Val!! So blessed to have your art in my LYA collection 🙂

If you haven’t already, I hope you will visit the links, and take a look at more of the work these talented women create!