Tag Archives: #sketching

Getting Crowded

Adding Layers
Adding Layers

Today I am adding layers to the postcards. Pencil marks and scratches. I had a burst of energy at about 9:30 last night. It didn’t last long, but I did get quite a bit done. Some cleaning and what you see here.

Layer of Light
Layer of Light

I found a great discounted frame at Hobby Lobby. Solid wood. Just over six bucks! A steal. I think it may have been rejected because a couple of the corners don’t match up well. I used a black nail file and fixed that right quick. Haha.

I had no idea if it was a standard size. I knew I could find something to fit. I worked in framing years ago, and I can’t resist a great deal on a frame. Luck was on my side! It is standard, 8 x 10. Woo Whoo!

I knew I would paint it. Of course. You know me. It had a red undertone, and I wasn’t keen on it. I will add several layers. It will be darker and look slightly aged. I’m hopin’. Stay tuned.

Frame Update
Frame Update

I finally made a start on the Sandy Sandy class I won on Instagram. She will be doing more giveaways, follow her if you are interested. Her work is stunning and she is a wonderful teacher. (Thank you Sandy! And thanks to Christine B. or Kat V.R.! One of you tagged me for this.)

I have started on the videos that are included. And I have some sketches ready for painting. I don’t have a lightbox, so I use my computer screen to transfer the reference images.

Sketching Sunflowers on Yupo and Paper with Sandy Sandy
Sketching Sunflowers on Yupo and Paper with Sandy Sandy

“I am working with the enthusiasm
of a man from Marseilles eating bouillabaisse,
which shouldn’t come as a surprise to you
because I am busy painting huge sunflowers.”
Vincent Van Gogh