There are three friends in this world:
courage, sense, and insight.
African Proverb
Courage is fear that has said its prayers.
Dorothy Bernard

I had the urge to paint. Already March 15. First painting of the month. Whoa. I always feel guilty that March is a month of little artistic output for me. I am always very busy after the gathering.
First with the group blog post, and Pinterest board. Then with organizing the group digital files. All of the graphics I created, the banner, album covers, and inspirationals. Files I used for painting reference or inspriation get moved to my permanent Inspo file, or trashed.
You know how much I love to organize. Sometimes I think I make a mess just so I can clean it up. LOL. KIdding.
I spent a week working on my Society6 shop. They added new items, like a puzzle and a desk mat. I had to approve new items, and adjust the artwork or pattern to look best for each. Add to that the unfortunate surprise that some items I had turned “on” were off. And some that I had set as “off” were on. Not good. I have 92 designs listed, and there are over 60 items that can be made available for each of them. Huge task. More work there.
I am still home bound. I had an x-ray done today. Next Thursday I see the lung specialist. I’ll be posting an update. Praying that the Covid damage to my lungs is not as bad as expected.
I have to say though, that It feels great to be productive. Even if it is behind the scenes, and no one knows but me. Haha. I even have my next two posts planned.