There are three friends in this world:
courage, sense, and insight.
African Proverb
Courage is fear that has said its prayers.
Dorothy Bernard

I had the urge to paint. Already March 15. First painting of the month. Whoa. I always feel guilty that March is a month of little artistic output for me. I am always very busy after the gathering.
First with the group blog post, and Pinterest board. Then with organizing the group digital files. All of the graphics I created, the banner, album covers, and inspirationals. Files I used for painting reference or inspriation get moved to my permanent Inspo file, or trashed.
You know how much I love to organize. Sometimes I think I make a mess just so I can clean it up. LOL. KIdding.
I spent a week working on my Society6 shop. They added new items, like a puzzle and a desk mat. I had to approve new items, and adjust the artwork or pattern to look best for each. Add to that the unfortunate surprise that some items I had turned “on” were off. And some that I had set as “off” were on. Not good. I have 92 designs listed, and there are over 60 items that can be made available for each of them. Huge task. More work there.
I am still home bound. I had an x-ray done today. Next Thursday I see the lung specialist. I’ll be posting an update. Praying that the Covid damage to my lungs is not as bad as expected.
I have to say though, that It feels great to be productive. Even if it is behind the scenes, and no one knows but me. Haha. I even have my next two posts planned.
Love this “giant” sunflower, but I am super impressed with how tidy your art space is. How do you keep it so neat while working?!
Well, you are only seeing half of the desk. Haha. The pile is always on the left side. Haha. 🙂
Your work output and creativity is amazing and inspiring, too! The Energizer Bunny and you must be best friends. 🙂 Thank you for all that you do.
Haha, Thank you Teresa. Thank YOU, for being such an active member of the group. 🙂
Happy creating, my friend. 🙂
I hope the results from your tests show improvement in your health. Kudos to you for great progress all your art projects. Loving your sunflower paintings! And thanks for stopping by my blog.
I love your work Juana! And your consistency is inspiring! Happy creating my friend. So nice to hear from you 🙂 Be well.
You are amazing. I so appreciate all you do behind the scenes and i cherish your works and talents
Hugs Christine. You are so kind. You are a blessing my friend. 🙂
Wow- you have been one busy girl! I like your sunflower – I guess it is a subject on many minds. The nice thing about art is that it doesn’t have to have a schedule, Good luck with your tests – fingers crossed!
Thank goodness for that, Val. Haha. Thank you Val. Happy garden prepping, hope verything is growing tall. 🙂
I know this feeling of getting some order in our creative process.
Haha, yes Johanne. After the storm of creativity. The yin and yang. Happy creating my friend 🙂
Look at that bounty of sunflower seeds surrounded by the sunlight of petals. Eye-catching and upbeat! Love seeing the sketch in situ on your studio worktop.
Thank you Dotty! Hope you are having an awesome week! 🙂
Sheila, I’d love to have you organize MY messes!
I’m in the same situation as you, COVID-lung sufferer. I see the pulmonologist soon. I’ve been on oxygen for about 12-14 years now at 3 ltr. We bought two mordent (smaller and adjustable in ease and more difficult 1-6. I’m still on 1!)
I love your posts SO much!
Praying for a great visit and report Kat. I was down to 3 liters, and the doctor told me to try going back to 2. My normal. But I felt I was struggling. Right now I am on 2.5 at home. But I am going to try 2, and see how I feel, so I can let him know. I am so glad you enjoy the posts Kat. So glad to have you with me. 🙂 Sending hugs and prayers for you both. xoxoxo
Lovely to see this sunflower this morning and its glorious center! Just beautiful, Sheila. You amaze me in your creativity, your productivity, your spirit…always inspiring. You are getting stronger every day and this spring and summer, I’m sure, will find you getting out more. Sending you always my best wishes and prayers.
Hugs dear friend, thank you. So grateful for your prayers. You are in mine also. Praying for peace, calm, the wellness of humanity. So gald you enjoyed it Laurelle. God Bless and keep you safe. xoxo