Gingham Cross
Well, mine is more of a calm check than cheerful. Haha. I seem to be in that mode. Last week I placed 966, out of 1309 entries.Thanks so much for voting! This check is getting lots of “favorites”. It’s nice to know it has appeal, and is not… bland. Votes are welcome.
Next week’s challenge design is going to be bright and bold. The theme is 1970’s throw pillows. Haha! Yikes. Avocado, harvest gold, burnt orange. Yeah, we need to bring those back.
This design was a learning experience. Woo Whoo! Love learning! I have made checks before, the hard way. This is quick, and it will be so easy to switch colors, and create a whole collection. What colors would you like to see? Christmas? Red, white and blue? Pretty pastels?

For The Birds, Yucca, Yucca, Yucca
A few days ago, the yucca was bombarded by the birds. Breakfast in the desert. I took lots of photos thinking, that may never happen again. Later that afternoon, they were back. And they brought buddies. I counted nine birds on one stalk! Yes, I took more photos. I even caught a couple beneath my window, and one was a chatty Cathy. Click any photo for a slideshow view.

“There is an unreasonable joy to be had from the observation of small birds going about their bright, oblivious business”
Grant Hutchison, The Complete Lachlan
A bird does not sing because it has an answer,
it sings because it has a song.
Maya Angelou
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