I was talking on the phone with a friend, and the sky was quickly changing. I put her on speaker, and while we continued the conversation, I tried to catch a shot of the lightning. It was striking just to the right of Mingus.
Surprise! What a treat! I had a visitor come right up to the window. And she hung right in front of me for a second or two, as if to say, “Hello”. The photos are blurry. Maybe that is what makes them so magical. Like little fairies.
I turned back to the sky, and there was a wall of rain. Then the light show started. I took too many photos to count. And I didn’t think I had caught the lightning. Woo Whoo! Look closely at slide four, there is lightning behind the tree on the right.
The following day, we had a bit more rain. And more glorious skies.
First a double rainbow.

I captured a lightning bolt in video, and was so excited to share it with you. I’ve been trying for two days to get the video to play. I wanted to edit it, the window frame was visible, and the end was choppy as I lowered the phone. But I couldn’t get it saved right. And I have done this before? 🤣 Ugghh! Well, learn something new everyday. I edited it my phone. DUH. I didn’t know you could do that. 🤣🤣🤣
I had already saved these frames to share so here they are. The strike takes 12 frames. But here are just a few.
Later, over Mingus, a beautiful cloudscape.

And to the right…

How sweet to be a cloud. Floating in the blue!
– A. A. Milne
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I wish I could be with you snapping photos together. Wouldn’t it be great to take a photography course? I’d love to have a really fancy camera and learn how to use it. It would be even better to learn how to create a slideshow and share it easily online. I think I used to know more, but I’m sure there are simple ways to do things that I never learned. And there are so many interesting things you can do with technology, it’s all moving so fast.
Haha, yes Sea. So much to learn, and so little time. That would be so much fun, shooting photos together. 🙂
Yup, I’ve always wanted a really nice camera too. I still haven’t learned how to use this phone though, I need to
work on that. Haha. 🙂
Amazing beautiful nature that you captured, Sheila! Thank you for sharing them. And then you ended with the most amazing photo of all, the clouds in a blue sky. Wow! How lucky you are to see from your home these extraordinary vistas.xoxo
That cloud was so cool Laurelle. Like someone shot it out of a can. LOL. Mingus is undercover today. Dark and foreboding.
Fingers crossed. LOL. So glad you enjoyed them 🙂
Such lovely photos! Cool visitor too!
So glad you enjoyed them Dave. 🙂
Wow! So difficult to capture a hummingbird, a rainbow and a lightning bolt, what a challenge. Plus, you got one of a double rainbow; so cool. Expecially love the last “Clouds” photo. 🙂 Thanks for sharing them.
That last one was a nice surprise Teresa. 🙂 And the hummer surprised me too. I know she didn’t see me, but it seemed
like she was posing for me. Hahaha. So glad you enjoyed them. 🙂
Sheila, I feel as though I just went to an Independence Day fireworks extravaganza! Thanks for sharing these remarkable riveting photos!
Haha! Yes, Dotty! Hahaha. So glad you enjoyed them. 🙂
Wow – great photos but I think the first one is the best. We have had nothing but blue skies and heat (hot for us) – lucky you getting some rain.
We get less rain than the rest of the state. Mingus is sort of a buffer, we don’t have flooding as much as other areas.
Even Prescott, 20 minutes away gets more. They get lots of hail too. But we have been blessed with these amazing views. 🙂
So glad you enjoyed them Val. 🙂