It is with deep sorrow that I write today. My father passed away unexpectedly, early Tuesday morning. July 14. He had been ill for about a month. Pneumonia, and then, COVID.
He was in the hospital for only ten days.
He retired to Mexico, and his wife Tere speaks almost no English. My Spanish is limited as well. So details are slow coming. They recently relocated to Los Mochis, from Guadalajara. We were all looking forward to being able to see them more often.
I was prepared. To lose my father someday, relatively soon. He spoke to my brother and me about this when we saw him in January. He shared his thoughts with us.
But hardest of all, and something none of us could have anticipated, is this forced separation we are all living with. I always thought we would spend his last days together.
I will share more soon. There is so much more to say.

The morning after, I was led to my blog. I received a comment on an old post, and I always reply to comments. I read the quotes on the post, and they held new meaning for me.
I listened to the song I had shared, one I am sure my father would have enjoyed.
Funny how things come to you. A sign from above…
“Piglet noticed that even though he had
a Very Small Heart,
it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.”
A.A. Milne
Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance,
chaos into order,
confusion into clarity.
It makes sense of our past, brings peace for today,
and creates a vision for tomorrow.
Melody Beattie
“Enough’ is a feast.”
Buddhist Proverb

The paintings, were two of my Dad’s favorites.
Please know that I am so very grateful for your messages.
I hope you can forgive me if I am unable to respond right away.
(If you subscribe, you will be notified via email when I do.)
God Bless and keep you in his loving embrace.
Please, please be safe.
Sheila Marie