Day 19, So Lucky. 8 x 8 Acrylic on paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado
I was so lucky with the dots on the vase. Perfectly imperfect. Don’t know how I managed it, but I love the mix of small and large, and fading. Not so lucky with the texture in the Shiraz. Some of the dots show through, and that’s fine. I pressed a piece of gauze into the wet paint to create pattern. Didn’t work as well as I hoped. The paint had already dried too much. It’s there, but I am not sure you can see it well enough on the screen.
I goofed and forgot to add the second color to the petals on the left bloom. I didn’t notice until I scanned it, which meant the head was already done and dry. Another goof, well, just a decision really. I think I need to darken some of the pencil lines on the petals. But I had to make enough adjustments to get the colors showing true to life, that it wasn’t worth it time wise to start over. I may feel differently tomorrow.
Shared this on Instagram today.

Another Mingus Afternoon. SMD 9.2017
Sad news to share with you. We’ve known for months, but it still was a shock. Lost the view of Granite Mountain out back.



Here is what it looked like before the building started.

View of Granite Mountain.