If the desert is holy, it is because it is a forgotten place
that allows us to remember the sacred.
Perhaps that is why every pilgrimage to the desert
is a pilgrimage to the self.
There is no place to hide and so we are found.
– Terry Tempest Williams

I have been coveting this set for a few months. Debating if it was worth the moola. When compared to the Michael’s $6 pan set I often use, there are fewer hues. Having never purchased this brand before, I had to trust the reviews.
The case is roughly 5 x 7, and 1/2 inch deep. Perfect for a travel kit. The colors seem to be highly pigmented. There is a very dark green, and a deep black. For the painting above, I used a green from another palette. New supplies, always a treat!

Medical Update
It’s been a month (19th) since I was released from the hospital. I am almost back to where I was before Pneumonia. Still using a walker, but more for “just in case” than absolute necessity. I am doing well enough that PT signed off on my progress. I am doing the exercises they prescribed to build my strength.
I have regained a lot of independence. I have not started driving, but that is due to the meds. I still desaturate when I am active. (O2 level drops.) So I won’t be browsing in stores soon. Short trips only. Missing Michael’s and Hobby Lobby!
I saw my pulmonologist this afternoon. I had a chest x-ray early this morning, and he viewed the results. I still have some inflammation. I will have another x-ray in 3 weeks, and see him again.
I’m so grateful for each improvement. Grateful for your prayers and well wishes. Thank you. Your friendship is a blessing.