If the desert is holy, it is because it is a forgotten place
that allows us to remember the sacred.
Perhaps that is why every pilgrimage to the desert
is a pilgrimage to the self.
There is no place to hide and so we are found.
– Terry Tempest Williams

I have been coveting this set for a few months. Debating if it was worth the moola. When compared to the Michael’s $6 pan set I often use, there are fewer hues. Having never purchased this brand before, I had to trust the reviews.
The case is roughly 5 x 7, and 1/2 inch deep. Perfect for a travel kit. The colors seem to be highly pigmented. There is a very dark green, and a deep black. For the painting above, I used a green from another palette. New supplies, always a treat!

Medical Update
It’s been a month (19th) since I was released from the hospital. I am almost back to where I was before Pneumonia. Still using a walker, but more for “just in case” than absolute necessity. I am doing well enough that PT signed off on my progress. I am doing the exercises they prescribed to build my strength.
I have regained a lot of independence. I have not started driving, but that is due to the meds. I still desaturate when I am active. (O2 level drops.) So I won’t be browsing in stores soon. Short trips only. Missing Michael’s and Hobby Lobby!
I saw my pulmonologist this afternoon. I had a chest x-ray early this morning, and he viewed the results. I still have some inflammation. I will have another x-ray in 3 weeks, and see him again.
I’m so grateful for each improvement. Grateful for your prayers and well wishes. Thank you. Your friendship is a blessing.
I don’t know how, but I missed seeing your email until today. The good stuff gets buried in all the spam. I am so happy to hear that you are doing so much better, and by now you should be even better than then. Loving your watercolors! Stay cool and saturated. 🙂
I know what you mean Teresa. Haha. It was so fun chatting with you the other night!
I’m working on the cool and saturated. Haha. WOW! everyone is breaking temp records!
Stay cool and hydrated! Haha 🙂
Thankful you’re on the mend. The watercolor is gorg! That purple? Sweet!
Amen, Chandra. Thank you. 🙂
That purple is just too fun, isn’t it. 🙂
Beautiful new watercolor…those paint colors are amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it, but then I tend to look at the oils, maybe I’m missing out… So glad you are feeling better. Prayers for your healing, and strength and patience in your journey… God is with you and His angels round about you <3
Thank you Karin, for your wonderful words and your prayers. 🙏🙏🙏
Maybe I am missing out because I don’t paint in oils, LOL. 😉
Blessings to you my friend, and happy creating! 🙏🙏🙏
I’m glad to learn that your health is improving and you are feeling better. The new watercolor set looks delightful. I checked them out from your link. No, I don’t need anymore watercolors. But these are fantastic.
Thanks so much 🙂 Haha, right? I decided I deserved a treat to aid my healing. Haha. And when you compare to the cost if I bought the colors in tubes, this is a steal. Haha. ;o) Happy creating to you Marrianna!
Your desert quote reminded me of Lawrence of Arabia, the movie where Lawrence was asked what attracted him to the desert and he said “It’s clean”. The movie had a great effect on my life and it’s possible that quote is partly to do with my need for organization. I can’t work unless the area is tidy. I can find no reference that TE Lawrence actually said or wrote those words, I think it’s just amazing scripting. But when I think of the desert, I think of that movie.
I have never seen that movie. But I am going to rent it. I have to see it now. 🙂
Every time it’s been on TV, I had missed part of it. Movies need to been seen from
the beginning, and in their entirety. In my opinion. At least the first time. Haha.
Ahh yes, time for some organizing here as well my friend. My list is long. Haha.
Happy creating to you Sea! xoxo
Oh my! Right up there with Dr Zhivago, Bridge over the River Kwai and Gone with the Wind. Pretty much has to be seen on a big screen for the fabulous vistas.
Haha, I know it is a classic. I have seen all of those, multiple times. Dr. Zhivago is an all time favorite, so heartbreaking!
I had to look up the march song to get that whistling out of my head. Haha.
Fear not Sea, I found the movie on Youtube. I’ll watch it tonight. ;o)
I am happy to see you are painting. It is good for your recovery. Your watercolor with tulips is very good I love it. Big hugs
Thanks so much Johanne 🙂 Yes, you are right, I have missed painting very much.
Happy creating to you, hugs and prayers sent your way. :O)
Sheila, first and foremost, so glad to hear of your health gains. Thank you for the update. I’m cheering you on with those strengthening exercises.
I’m not even a watercolorist but your new watercolor pan set and your exquisite “Tulips” and that delicious test sheet and your upbeat attitude make me want to pop into your studio to sit right down next to you to have you get me started.
What a JOY that would be Dotty! Painting with you! I am so enJOYing your recent experimentations!
I am inspired to pull out my pens and try it myself. 🙂
Thank you for the cheers my friend! xoxox
Oh, Sheila! These flowers and vase are Stunning! I love them- the colors are perfect and the lines so clean. I really am impressed by this one – a diamond among exquisite gems.
Won’t let me post my website-
So sorry Kat. Maybe you need to include the Htts… Try copying your address from the search bar, the full address.
Let me know if it works next time. 🙂 I have to do that on some blogs. I’ll see if I can figure out why.
So glad you love the painting. You are my biggest fan. Haha. Glad you like the colors. :o)
Hugs and prayers sent your way!
Wonderful to hear you are becoming stronger and healthier, Sheila! Be patient with yourself. It takes time but you will get there!! How delightful to read this quote and see this beautiful artwork. The color combination you chose for this work is lovely. How fun to have new colors. It opens a world of possibilities. Sending you always a big hug and my prayers.
Thanks so much my friend. :o) I LOVE your new pieces, gorgeous as always!
I am trying to remember that, patience. I am so ready to paint, and cross things off on my to-do list.
But my list includes getting stronger, Haha, priority.
Hugs and prayers to you Laurelle! Happy season, and happy creating to you!
So glad to hear that you are doing better – keep up the good work. Your new paints look like an interesting palette although a little on the dull side for you – no bright yellow – lo. Have fun with them!
Thank you Val 🙂
Haha. 🙂 Yes, you are right about that. I will have to pull colors from other palettes. 🙂
Happy creating to you, my friend! I hope you are enjoying lots of time in your garden!