Spoonflower is shrinking this week. We ‘re going ditzy! A ditzy pattern design is one that is small scale and random. A tossed pattern that is non-directional. They do not need to be matched up, and that saves on wasted fabric. They are great for clothing and quilting. The pears in my design are about 1 inch squared. Many ditzy patterns are even smaller.

Ditzy patterns have never lost popularity. In the early 1900’s, feed sacks were made from a light cotton material. Resourceful women were using them for towels and to make clothing for the family. Companies soon took notice, and started using ditsy prints on their flour sacks. Flour sack dresses were a staple during the depression in the 30’s.

Voting is now open. There are over 1200 entries again, so grab a cuppa. 🙂 There are quite a few pear designs, I voted for several of them. Thank you for taking the time. One of these days I will make the top 60. Fingers crossed. Haha. Hey, gotta have goals, right? Making the top for me, would mean that my skills have improved. So I will keep working at it. ;o)

Deco Diamond placed at 777 of 1276 entries with 26 votes. That’s about at the 60% range. I thought it would be lower. I went against the grain, hoping it might pay off. I knew there would be lots of scallop entries. You can see in the top 69, almost all of them were some form of a scallop.
So grateful for your votes! Thank you for taking the time. 1276 is a lot of entries to go through.