February 2022, Day 6

Day 6, 8 x 8 watercolor on Fabriano paper. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.
Day 6, 8 x 8 watercolor on Fabriano paper. © 2022 Sheila Delgado.

Is there any place on Earth that smells better than a laundromat?
It’s like a rainy Sunday when you don’t have to get out
from under your covers,
or like lying back on the grass your father’s just mowed
– comfort food for your nose.
Jodi Picoult

Sunday is a time when you sit back and reflect on all the
blessings that you have received.
Smile at all the good things that you are enjoying.
Sera Train

6 thoughts on “February 2022, Day 6

  1. simply painting

    So serene… I have to disagree with the laundromat quote. I am so sensitive to all the scented laundry detergent. It literally will make my throat swell and get scratchy. Don’t mind the smell of clorox though. 😉

    1. Sheila Post author

      Haha 🙂 Yeah, I have to steer clear of soaps and strong smells as well.
      Clorox… funny how many memories come to mind just reading that word. Haha 🙂

  2. Val van der Poel

    A charming little painting Sheila. The quotes are interesting but I think I prefer the forest after a rain as far as smell goes and Sunday? that is my laundry day – lol

    1. Sheila Post author

      I love your descriptions so much Dotty. I will keep on painting in hopes of seeing them. LOL. xoxox 🙂


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