We have had a bit of rain here in Southern California. My tail is waggin’. Oh may we be blessed by a long and wet winter! It has rained during the night, so I have not actually seen the rain. Kind of a bummer, but I am enjoying the cloudy days. The changing light, the cool temperature.
I am a couple of days early I know. But I am hoping that November will renew whatever bit of talent I thought I had. This month has been crummy all around.
Unexpected car repairs – CHA CHING! Not just for me, but for everyone in the house. We have been playing musical cars for weeks. Yup, I think a double-deep-dip in the ol’ treat bag is needed. Now I just need to find a kid with overflowing treats.
October has never been my favorite month. Playing dodge the scary movies on TV. Or the Linda Blair shuffle. I am ready for Hallmark channels countdown to Christmas. A month filled with sappy, happy endings!
A few more attempts here. Working on some postcard art for Visual Aids. Another “map”, but I prefer the earlier layout – square. This seems a bit “scrunched”. The start of each of these was twig scribbled black acrylic. Marks without a rhyme or reason.
May your Halloween be sweetly spooky! Save me a Kit Kat and a Baby Ruth! Gee wiz – did you know Kit Kats came in all these flavors? What are your favorite treats at Halloween?
Postcard Art Available Now at Sheila’s Corner on Zazzle.com (click the photo to see the shop)
I know I have been quiet for a while, but now you can see why. I have been busy adding to my shop on Zazzle.com. I am so excited to share these with you!
I never would have thought of postcards as an outlet for my art. I owe that inspiration to Kat Sloma and her Liberate Your Art event. There is still time to join this year, for anyone interested. It is free, and FUN!
If you want to join, I will even share my postcard layout for the back with you to make your own. Just comment with your email, and I will send you the PDF. I will delete your email before publishing the comment. Sorry, I know, slacker. I should have the PDF available as a link. Maybe I can get to that tomorrow.
Ok, off to make chicken tortilla soup, and roast some potato’s for dinner tonight and tomorrow.
Have a super day everyone. Thanks for reading this, and please feel free to share it.