Tag Archives: #Day12

Day 12

Day 12, 4 x 6, watercolor on paper. © 2020 Sheila Delgado.
Day 12, 4 x 6, watercolor on paper. © 2020 Sheila Delgado.

A perfectly ordinary watercolor sketch. There are some surprising things going on in the sky. Interesting enough to make this redeemable. I would feel comfortable sending this as a postcard. Haha.

Today I started three small canvas pieces, and 3 small watercolors. N-o-t-h-i-n-g is working. I’ve been tired all day. Unable to focus. Easily distracted. Not giving up though. Dang it. I started this at 10 pm. Better late than never ‘ey. Haha.

The desert is a natural extension
of the inner silence of the body.
Jean Baudrillard

Deserts are full of sand and winds are full of air,
both are full of something but both look quite empty
and when they get to pair it’s easy to see they are almighty.
Alain Bremond-Torrent, Running is flying intermittently

30-Day Creative Gathering Day 12

Day 12, FEB C.G., 8 x 8, watercolor on Arches cold-pressed 140 lb. paper. © 2020 Sheila Delgado.
Day 12, FEB C.G., 8 x 8, watercolor on Arches cold-pressed 140 lb. paper. © 2020 Sheila Delgado.

It’s the perfect time for a Sweetheart Hoya Plant. Also known as a Valentine Hoya, or Hoya Kerrii. I’ve only seen these online. They are native to Southeast Asia, so maybe that is why.

I grew up in Loveland Colorado. The Sweetheart City. Loveland is known for it’s Valentine remailing program. You can send your Valentine card to the Loveland post office, and they will stamp the envelope with a little rhyme and mail it on to your sweetheart. Isn’t that sweet?

Wishing you LOVE in abundance and JOY everlasting!
Happy Valentines Day!