I have started working on a small gift for a young gentleman. Acrylic on canvas, 4 x 4 inches. Honestly, I am very intimidated at the thought of painting fur. I found a very good Youtube video. Fingers crossed.

There are fires to the north of us, near Flagstaff. And fires to the east. Far enough away that we are not in the path. But the smoke has been visible all weekend. Today the view was a white wall. No sign of the mountain or hills.

We had a nice spot of rain on Friday.

Clouds are forecast for next week. A chance of some thunderstorms, but only slight hope for rain. Clouds are always welcome. Dry lightning. Not so much.
Flagstaff? That’s near Christine B. That worries me. Love the way the bear came out!
Yes Chandra. It is closer to Flagstaff than to us. It is actually three fires in one. She messaged
me that ash was falling there yesterday.
Praying! 🙂
Oh my! Definitely praying.
Thank you Chandra 🙂
I checked with her. Will check again this evening.
Your bear is starting out pretty good. The smoke haze looks strong – we have been lucky so far with no nearby fires and so no smoke but it is still early in the season for us. Keeping my fingers crossed for all of my friends.
Thank you Val. Knock on wood, your wait will last long! Yes, so many states at risk and I have friends and family in most of them. As we all do.
Very lovely words and art. Still hoping the fires get some rain and we can relax a bit. The bear is super.
That would be such a blessing Christine. I saw an article that declared the Monsoon is going to hit hard. And soon.
Fingers crossed and prayers said. I am sure the firefighters would be happy for a good long rest. 🙂
Sheila, thanks for sharing the beary beginnings and first layer of your current painting. I think you’ll go fur with this one!
Hahaha. 🙂 Beary funny Dotty. 🙂