Tonight I tried a new watercolor paper. I was gifted several blank postcards. FUN! Thank you, Christine Brooks! Christine sent me three different types, 2 are etcher, and one is Strathmore.
I usually use cold-pressed paper, so I started with the hot press. I worked with lots of water on the background above, and it held up. It did curl while drying, but the paper was easily curved back to flat. Blending was not great. In the flowers above, I used the blending brush in Photoshop to soften some of the edges. In the cactus below, you can clearly see the paint did not move well. Still, I do think the paper is decent. For postcards, I think it works well. It would probably handle sketching nicely.

I fell behind in the final days, and postcards were the perfect way to catch up quickly. More for fun, than fine. Haha.
Tomorrow I will share my collage of the 30 pieces painted this month. In a few days, I will share a collection of stunning works created by the artists who participated in this month’s creative challenge.
You won’t want to miss it!
I always enjoy your cactus pieces – lovely greens this time Sheila. How nice to have such a super gift.
So nice to hear Val, thank you 🙂
Your Day 30 painting triggers a memory of a point in my painting life, in 2015 I think, about one year into my adventure, when I became fascinated by illustrations in the childrens’ picture books by David Shannon, e.g. No, David! Specifically, I was mesmerized by his treatment of interior walls in his room illustrations. As someone who has painted actual walls, in actual buildings, a form of painting that typically involves a smooth even application of paint, I LOVE the blotchy freeform way Shannon paints illustrations of painted walls. I think this would be easier to TALK about than WRITE about but I’m gonna trust that you know exactly what I mean and will take great pleasure in my great pleasure of the backdrop (wall?) behind your vase of flowers!!!
Dotty!! I found that book, animated on Youtube, and I fell in love with his walls right off! Purple splotchy walls! And yellow!
I love children’s books. 🙂
I always have in mind, old adobe walls. The walls are not smooth, the paint is not smooth. I love old, rustic, aging, and aged. Hahaha!
So glad you enjoy my walls. Dotty. 🙂 hahaha 🙂
You inspire me, Sheila! 🦋
Haha, thank you, Kat 🙂
God Bless!
Love your subject matter and the colors. Glad you tried the paper, postcards are fun.
Nice work. Great month. Thanks again.
Thank you Christine. 🙂 You had an AMAZING month my friend!
Thanks for the paper! You will find one of them in your mailbox soon. 🙂