Botched, befuddled, and blighted. Haha. I was doing well, and then I wasn’t. I completely overworked this. Bad timing. And timing is essential in watercolor.
I was distracted by the light and Mingus. First, the front range was white, and Mingus was dark. Then Mingus was white, and the front range was dark. Then the sky began to change. And well…. distraction. I started painting this before the light caught my eye. And I was thinking I had not seen the hills white, as I was trying to paint them. And then boom. They were. Haha.
My sky was decent. The field was ok. Then I added clouds. and they started out ok, but too light. I went back in with more color, but too much water. Ugh. They bloomed, and I had hard, jagged edges everywhere. I tried to soften them with a damp brush. And then I tried again with a digital brush. The small PPI blurs things a bit more.
Knowing I had already messed the sky up, I played a bit more with the field. Trying to get, you know, a feeling of distance. Bleah!!
OK, enough of that. Now for the real star of the show!

On our neighborhood website, everyone has been sharing their gorgeous sunset photos this week. And why not? Last night I was oo-ing and ah-ing over the sunset out front, looking to the east (below). While at the same time, my folks were hyper about the sun setting in the back, to the west (above). WOWzers!
Oh beautiful, for spacious sky!

This sunset sky is from a week ago. It is subtle, but those colors! I wish I could post it larger. To the left, the pinks in the distance, the soft purples. The undulating cloud shapes. It was delightful. 🙂