Print them out.
Trim them up.
Stack and separate.
Soon to share.
Kat Sloma’s LYA
I have received Kat Sloma’s postcard, signaling the end of her Liberate Your Art Postcard Swap. Kat has asked us not to show it, so that everyone can be surprised when theirs arrives. That might be another week or two for participants outside the U.S.A.
The LYA Blog Hop is April 16-19. Kat will reveal the video showcasing cards from each participant. It is a great chance to discover new artists!
My last official postcard arrived on Friday. Liz Velichko sent the photo of the boardwalk below. It was taken on an overcast day, one of my favorite times to visit the beach. Liz included this on the back:
You were created to love and be loved, to know and be known, you matter.
May you find grace and beauty in exactly who you are today.
Wonderful to find that in your mail, don’t you think?
Jill Hejl, Liz Velichko, Jasmine
Jasmine is a photographer, a “New Yorker” now living in California wine country. She enjoys taking landscape photos of her new surroundings, finding beauty in the everyday. She hopes that her photos will bring joy to others as well. And this one did Jasmine! Very curious about that bold red wall! You can follow her on Instagram, jasmine_sk.
The fellow on the top of the photo, is “Snow Shoveler” by Jill Hejl. Those flecks of white are chunks of snow flying as he wields his weapon. I have followed Jill’s blog for a while now, and I was so excited she agreed to do an extra swap with me. Jill not only creates wonderful characters, but she often writes short stories about them. I get a kick out of what she thinks up.
I would be slightly sad right about now. But I still have some extra swaps I am expecting. Last week I sent out the last of my postcards, and I am looking forward to hearing about their arrival.
Thank you Liz, Jasmine and Jill, AND Kat!
I feel so fortunate that you have shared your art with me!
It’s time to make some lemonade. I guess this is not really a lemon. A minor disappointment maybe. But I am not crushed.
The postcard I created for this years Postcards from the Edge benefit did not sell. The gallery sent it back to me. And I am going to set it free. Again.
Red. 4 x 6 Abstract Acrylics on 140 lb Arches cold pressed paper. © 2014 Sheila Delgado
I have not done a giveaway before. I should probably be scientific about it. But I am thinking. K.I.S.S. So leave me a comment.
Tell me why you like Red.
Will you frame it?
Will you gift it to a friend?
Do you have a spot in your home that you know it will be perfect in?
It doesn’t have to be a long comment. I haven’t really decided, should I choose the best comment, or put names in a hat. You can give me you opinion on that too if you want.
(Probably names in a hat.)
Along with the postcard, I will include the pamphlet from the event and the collectors copy with a statement from me. The back of the postcard is stamped and numbered from the event as well.
Red, Benefit pamphlet, Collector’s Copy
You can read more about Red here, and here.
I will make the announcement on Friday.