Over 700 artworks were created in the group this month! 713, approximately. What a spectacular beginning for our fourth year of the The Gathering! Four years! I am so thrilled that the artists are still enjoying 30 days of creatively challenging themselves. We are still going strong! And the group has grown, with over a dozen new members this month. Welcome!
Personally, I think this was my best challenge ever. I am very happy with my results. There are only two that I wish had turned out better. Not a bad average! I shared two surface design starts. Funny, I did not use either of them in my final patterns. It’s very likely they will make an appearance somewhere down the road. 😉
I am always interested to know which, if any were your favorites. Some of you have already shared them with me in the group. 😄 You know me so well!
Here are my favorites. And I am grateful to say, it was hard for me to choose. I could have added most of the landscapes as well. I had the most fun those. With watercolor. I have missed painting with watercolor. And I really had fun with the abstracts in the last week.

I started experimenting with digital collage on day 3. But I remember that one being more of a struggle. From day 20 on, I was really having fun playing with pattern. I think the pinks, the final week, were so fun because I started loose and fast, and without intention. I painted eight pieces, but only four were interesting at first.
Funny to think that only 3 of my favorites are actual, in real life paintings.
I was blessed this month. Blessed to have the energy to participate, to create. Blessed with restored health. Blessed to have so many friends & family follow along here, and in the group. And so very blessed to be in such fine company, in The Gathering. I learn so much from everyone. Something new each day. And I am consistently inspired and amazed.
In the next couple of days, I will share the group gallery with you.
It will be awe-inspiring. Every one really had a superb month!
Next week I will post a health update. I still am catching up on getting my annual postcards out. And I want to send a special “thank you” to all of you who kept me in your prayers, and sent well wishes while I was ill. Will you please leave a comment with your mailing address. I have to approve each comment, so they will not be posted for others to see. You can also email, or message me.
I have many already, but I’d like to be sure I include everyone. I am eternally grateful. My brain was so muddled, I’m fearful that I might forget. And I believe in my heart, the power of your prayers are what healed me. 🙏🙏🙏
Wishing you JOY!
You My Dear are the glue that makes it happen. Think like the others you were on fire this month. The combinations and text usage were spot on. For these, my favs were the desert pinks, but overall my favs were some of the landscapes not shown. As always I cherish your insight and feedback, it always helps clarify. Stay feeling well and keep creating your special stories.
Thanks so much, Nelvia. I’m so grateful that I had a productive month. So glad you like the pinks. I meant for them to be more peachy, but happy surprise.
I liked the landscapes as well, I probably should have chosen one of those instead of two of the collages. Thankfully, it was hard to choose this time. LOL 🙂
We will chat more soon about Gimp. Keep sharing your amazing vision with the world! 😃🙏🤗
I enjoyed all of your flower vases, especially the ones with writing. However, my favorite was the Lily of the Valley, probably because of the bold colors, but also because my sister’s name means Lily of the Valley.
That is my favorite as well, Sea. I think partly because it came together quickly, except for the little bits between the buds.
That took a while. Haha. I’m so pleased you like it. I very much enjoyed my mini vay-cay with you!
It’s wonderful, how the same view can be so different each day, isn’t it. LOL 🙂 You need to add those to your mountains board!
And I guess I need to add some of my recent photos.
Thanks so much being such an active member of the group. You are one of the “elders”! Geez, we’ve been doing this a while!
Enjoy your view, and See you in February! 😃🙏🤗
Thank you so much for organizing this great event and your always so kind and positive support. I so much enjoy your clear, and minimalist art. They all look so well together. It was so much fun.
Eileen I am so thankful that you have joined us! I thoroughly enjoyed seeing your work each day!
Thank you so much for your kind words, here. And those you shared with others in the group.
YOU make the group wonderful! Let me know if you head this way, and I will drive down and meet you!
See you in February! Happy creating to you! 😃🙏🤗
Such a beautiful post, uplifting as always. Over and over you inspire me with your generosity, your determination, your creativity, your kindness. I am so grateful we found each other with Leslie Saeta’s original group. I have already mentioned my favourites in another forum, but I will gladly repeat: #6 (my very favorite), all the leaf silhouettes, and #30. Sending you a big hug!! And thank you!!
Aww, thanks for that, Laurelle. 🙂
GRATEFUL is the word, YES. It’s hard to believe how long ago that was. And I am so grateful as well.
I have learned so much from you, even if it might not be apparent in my art.
Thanks so much Laurelle, for being so active within the group and for encouraging others.
Your generosity is a HUGE part of what makes the group so meaningful! See you next round! 😃🙏🤗
Blessings, blessings, blessings, and you have participated relentlessly and gloriously in their manifestation, Sheila.
In this moment, my favorites of your favorites are #2, 3, and 5.
SO grateful for your revived health.
YES! AMEN! Thanks so much Dotty!
Thank you for your input here, and your encouragement all month long!
I am BLESSED with your friendship! Happy creating! 😃🙏🤗
A brilliant month for you Sheila with lots of super creations. Thank you again for all you do to promote and encourage us. I am glad that the month hasn’t set your health back. Take care and happy creating!
Thanks so much Val. 🙂 Thank YOU, for being a long time member! It’s always a JOY to see your work each day!
Thank you for taking time to help and encourage others. That is a huge part of what makes the group
so terrific. See you in February! 😃🙏🤗