The monsoon is still serving up wonderful cloudy vistas.

The photo below was taken yesterday in Prescott. Lots of green in them there hills.

Late last night we had rain and thunder for about an hour. The photos below are from a lightning show on Friday. I watched for over an hour, taking photos and videos. It looked like a strobe light was on, there were so many bright bursts. I only saw three lightning bolts. Most of them were hidden by layers of cloud cover.

That same day, I saw two Mourning Doves fly under my window. The were very busy eating. As they started to leave, I noticed one had a broken foot. He was walking on his knuckles. You can see it, the dove in front. There were raindrops on the window

Yesterday we went out for dinner. I almost didn’t go. We have chicken tortilla soup in the fridge. Yum. All was well, until I tried getting out of the car. I had noticed a while before, that my foot felt weird. Figured it was asleep, but it was not tingling. I moved it to get the blood flowing. We pulled in the garage about 15 minutes later. I was in the front passenger seat. As I stepped out, I screamed in pain. I wasn’t looking at my feet. And I guess I landed on my ankle. I just continued to place all my weight on it, and I collapsed. My hands were full, but I managed to keep from falling on my face.
I started to hyperventilate. I did not have my O2 on. It was a short trip, and we ate in the car. The doctor recommends I take short breaks when I am inactive. To keep the lungs from getting lazy. Good thing too. That 9 pound pack would have landed on my back.
I sat and worked to calm my breathing. I was sweating and nauseous. It took me a few minutes to feel better. Pete tried to pull me to my feet, but I did not have the strength. So Mom found an old pillow, and I used it to get on my knees. I slowly turned and used the car and the seat to climb to my feet.
I stood for a moment, and when I put my weight on that foot, it hurt, but I could tell it was not broken. They slowly helped my to my bed. Whew!

I had to change out of my dirty garage floor clothes. EWW! LOL. Now it is two more days of RICE. Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. I found some strengthening & stretching exercises I can start after the swelling has gone down. Today the bruise has grown over the top of my foot.

Today my thighs are sore, and I have a pain on my right side. When I cough or move, breath, LOL. It hurts. I think I was in a twisted position as I went down. There is no bruise. I am taking that as a good sign. Haha.
Fortunately, I do not have any appointments for the next couple of weeks. Not sure how I managed that. God cleared my calendar for me. ;o)
So here I am, sat in bed. I have all of my accoutrement. (Said with a french accent. LOL.) I have a project, watercolors, my water brushes, a small paper cutter. The computer, a small sketchbook. Books to read. Haha. My meds, my glasses, and my water bottle. Good to go. I mean stay. Be careful friends!
Chaos is roving through the system
and able to undo, at any point,
the best laid plans.
Terence McKenna
The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.
Robert Burns
(My nickname is mouse. Haha)

So, so sorry that you injured your foot! Praying for healing and no problems once it is healed. I’m sitting here with my foot elevated too. Yesterday I took a weird twisted fall off some stairs and bruised my leg and twisted something in my foot. Did what you’ve been doing RICE… Had a rough night, but this morning the swelling is down. Still hurts to walk. Anyway, I sympathize. Love your pictures of the gorgeous clouds!!! Hope you’re doing a lot better today, since this post is a couple days old. Love and prayers… <3
Oh Karin! I’m so sorry! Ouch!
I will be praying for YOU! LOL. 🙂 I am glad you are feeling better. 🙂
Thank you for your prayers. I am grateful. I am feeling better. Able to walk.
It hurts more today (when I am on it), I had to get it x-rays. And the short/long walk in the hospital was too much I guess.
Haha. But my other aches and pains are gone, so that is GREAT!
Take good care Karin. Stay off it as much as you can, for a few days at least. 72 Hours. LOL.
God Bless my friend with strength and healing. 🙂
Sending prayers my friend. May I ask what underlying health issues do you have? Last August Dana had a Largynectomy. I so understand your breathing challenges. Sending love
So great to hear from you Dianne!
Oh my! I hope it was only for repairs, or a partial. And that he is doing well now.
Sending belated prayers. Well, the Lupus has affected my lungs. And my esophagus is dilated. Achalasia. Also, the opening to my stomach does not close properly. I have asthma, COPD, hardening of the lungs (pulmonary fibrosis) and bronchiectasis. 1/3 of my lung are hardened, so my capacity is diminished. (Normal lung function is 80 to 120%, I am at 30.)
I was always so grateful that Lupus had not affected my organs. Liver, kidney, etc. None of the doctors in California were looking closely at my lungs.
Now, I am grateful that things are not worse, LOL. And that I have a great doctor who figured out what was wrong. I have had a chronic cough since 2008. Well you were with me a couple of times when I had problems. I had a Roux en-Y done to stop the acid reflux, as that was damaging my lungs. It lessened the cough a little bit. But I still cough after eating, during a conversation, when I laugh, at the slightest exertion. So we are still working towards improving that.
Sending prayers and hugs, sure do miss having lunch with you! And laughing with you! xoxox
Bad luck this poor ankle. Have a good rest and a good recovery. I am very far from you but my thoughts are very nearby.
So sweet of you Johanne. Thank you. I am resting, until I can start moving it more.
Happy creating to you Johanne. 🙂
Oh Sheila, I am sorry this happened to your foot, to you. You were smart at how you immediately dealt with it, ice, elevation. Well, it’s probably too hot to really move around anyway. You picked the right month to do this:) You should post your fabulous cloud formations to the FB group Cloud Appreciation. You’ll get a lot of contentment from people who love clouds. Interesting that quote from McKenna. He was a fascinating man. Lived for a while on the Kona side of the Big Island when I did. Anyway, stay strong, stay positive. Sending you a big hug!
Oh that site looks interesting! I used to follow a similar site, OH BOY, the photos they had!
I’ll check it out. ;o)
Haha, yeah that’s true. The weather makes you want to stay out of it.
Thank you Laurelle! I am keeping busy. I crossed a lot off my list yesterday. Computer stuff. Woo Whoo. Haha
Happy painting my friend. 🙂 xoxox
OUCH, Sheila! May your foot return to full robust health in short order. Take advantage of the pillowy softness and elevation of those clouds : )
Haha, yes, Dotty 🙂 Pillowy soft. Fingers crossed. I am sure I’ll be walking soon. Or limping at least. Haha.
Have fun in your studio! 🙂
So sorry to hear about your injury! Stay well! Glad to hear that you are doing OK. Lots of “bed-art” in the making. Thanks for sharing those beautiful shots! Brachot!
Hope the system will save my info for next time!
Thank you friend. 🙂 I hope it will too Carol. Let me know if it doesn’t. There are a few sites I visit, that do the same to me. Never save.
Happy creating to you as well. Brachot! 😉
Bravo! It saved! Have to go to the https window first! Brachot!
Awesome news! Thanks for letting me know Carol 🙂
Oh Sheila (or should I say MOUSE?)! I am so sorry about that awful fall! Anytime I fall, we have to call 911 for help. I’m too weak to get up, even if my knees were not bone-on-bone! It’s embarrassing. I am so very glad your foot doesn’t seem broken! However, speaking as a wife and mother to people who have broken bones in their foot— PLEASE GET AN X-RAY! If you have little or bigger bones that are broken, you will have pain as you age. Both Jeremiah and Bear have experienced that. Ask the mourning dove!
And the cloud photography is wonderful!
RICE – what will you do for compression?
Love you 😽
Haha. You can call me mouse if you want to Kat. My Aunts and Uncles still do.
Yes, with arthritis, my joints are the weak link. I can’t push myself up, well, you know.
For compression, just a bandage wrap is what they recommend. I hope Bear is having a good day,
And that there are improvements, large and small. You are both in my prayers Kat.
Love you too my friend.
Wow! I hope you are better soon. Nice photos of the clouds – rain is good!
Take care of yourself.
Thank you Val, I will. 🙂 Yup, the rain is very good! We need lots of it. 🙂