Day 5, Birthday Bouquet. 5 x 7 mixed media on aquabord. © 2016 Sheila Delgado.
Named this Birthday Bouquet because today is my birthday. Keep it simple silly.
Can you tell these are ranunculus? I like ranunculus better than roses. The petals seem unending. I know I will offend some, but to me roses are overdone. People always think to give roses. But they never think to give ranunculus. Or at least, I have never received a bouquet of ranunculus.
Isn’t Google great: Ranunculus generally start to appear at the Market in November/December and are at their best from January, with their main season usually coming to an end in May/June.
Learn something new every day.
Happy Day to one and all!
My Pinterest board for this challenge keeps growing.
Makes me happy just to see so much pretty art!
Visit Leslie’s site, where all the daily art is posted.