Our September creative gathering marks the close of our fifth year. Five years of friendly, fruitful, fun. Along with creating 571 pieces of art, over 5000 conversations took place (comments). That’s a whole lot of chit-chat and cheering each other on!
Our daily average number of posts was down this round. Many of our long time members were unable to participate. Fingers crossed they will join us in February. 🥰
I’m so excited, to be able to share a glimpse at the fabulous works created by our group. Below is a video highlighting two pieces from each artist. You will also see a collage of all the work they created during the month. I usually do not include myself in the group gallery, but as it is only a video that will be posted to our group Pinterest board, I added myself at the end.
I struggled to make this, hate to admit. 😆 Photoshop changed things, and I had to learn it all over again. I apologize that there is no music track. I have set a fairly long delay rate, to give you enough time to look through the collages. It runs about 4 minutes, and will repeat. These are low resolution images, so there may be some slight pixelation or blur. But that serves to protect the works from being copied.
Grab a cuppa’ and enjoy!

Wow! You never cease to amaze me how much work you put into everything. The video is fantastic. Such a nice start to the day. You are an amazing supportive person, and over the years I’m pleased to say we’ve become cyber friends. In these uncertain times its good to have steadfast and reliable people around. And look at all that fabulous art from artists that keep on going no matter what! Congratulations one and all.
We are definitely friends, Sea. I have been doing this for ten years, and I think you started a year before me.
I am pretty sure you are the one who invited me to Leslie’s challenge.
YOU never cease to amaze me, with your experimentation and fearlessness.
Congratulations Sea, on another fabulous challenge! xoxo 🙂
Kudos to all who participated in the September 2023 30-Day Creative Gathering! Kudos to you, Sheila, for providing and guiding, cheering and encouraging! I’ve just basked in the art in the video you created—and my hat is off to you for that technical labor of love. BRAVA, one and all!
Thank you Dotty! I am so glad you enjoyed the video. They are all so fabulous, right?!
I keep hoping one day, we will get you to join us! As for the tech stuff. I am like a dog
with a bone. I wasn’t gonna let it get the best of me. Hahaha.
Happy fearless creating to you, Dotty! xoxo 🙂
What a great job of putting all those pieces together! And, of course, they had to change the program to make it even harder. Well done Sheila! I don’t know how you manage to do it but I am so glad that you do. I enjoyed seeing what others picked as their favourites (always a surprise). Thank you so much for all the work you do encouraging us and keeping us on track. I hope you can take a break now. Thanks again and take care.
Of course they did, Val! Haha!
It is fun seeing what each artist chooses. ;o)
Thank you, Val. For being one of our fabulous participating members, and thanks for your help as well. 🙂
I hope your fingers get a little rest, but I am sure you will have many orders for your awesome letters!
Congratulations on your spectacular month! xoxo 🙂