Washed In Spring – LYA 2017 Side Swap



Washed in Spring. Watercolor and glitter, 4 x 6 Postcard, Trang Kang

Washed in Spring. Watercolor and glitter, 4 x 6 Postcard, Trang Kang

This is a hand-made card from my new friend Trang Kang in Texas. My scan does not do it justice. There is a soft, warm metallic gold running through out. Hints of opalescent glitter as well.

Trang named this well. The colors are bright and alive, fresh, and new. The golden glow warms me. I feel as if I am surrounded by a gentle breeze, sweet bird song, and flowers. Everywhere, flowers.

On the back, curvaceous vines, tiny blooms and this:

Forgotten Language by Shel Silverstein

Once I spoke the language of the flowers,
Once I understood each word the caterpillar said,
Once I smiled in secret at the gossip of the starlings,
And shared a conversation with the housefly in my bed.
Once I heard and answered all the questions of the crickets,
And joined the crying of each falling dying flake of snow,
Once I spoke the language of the flowers. . . .
How did it go?
How did it go?


I found this and thought  you might enjoy hearing Shel read it. It is a visual treat!



Thank you Trang for brightening my day. I love this card! Shel Silverstein has always been a favorite. Thanks for reminding me that I have his books on my shelf, waiting to be opened.









10 thoughts on “Washed In Spring – LYA 2017 Side Swap

  1. Lisa

    I love your art and your side swap postcard that landed in my mailbox! This postcard that you received from Trang is absolutely gorgeous 🙂

  2. Nelvia

    Pretty colors and mood with this card. Isn’t it fun to do this post card thing, you never know what you will get. You got a new friend. There are so many talented folks. I too really am liking the new look for the blog. You’ve been busy.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Yes Nelvia, you said it. So many talented folks, and so nice to receive art in the mail. And new friends, how can oyou beat that. Might be only for a week or two, but then again, I have traded with some of the artists for years. And a few of them, since the very first swap!
      So glad you like the “new” look. Keep thinking I should make it more, “professional”. But for now, it is.. me 🙂


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