TIme for a dip in the pool! 112 in Phoenix today. Yikes! I’m staying inside!
TIme for a dip in the pool! 112 in Phoenix today. Yikes! I’m staying inside!
I started four small canvas pieces on Thursday. I am helping my Aunt again this weekend, with her Cricut machine. Helping her learn the design program that goes along with it. It is much like Photoshop but simplified.
More layers on this one. Nine I believe. Not sure if that makes it better or worse. 😉 I am using a small rectangular palette knife, and I really like the size. It is a Painter’s Mark T44. I bought the set at a huge discount. The handle feels solid in your hand, and the blade has a nice bend to it.
For some reason this canvas is reminding me of ice cream. Baskins Robbins Daiquiri Ice, with a little Pralines ‘n Cream melting in. Haha. Maybe it is the Arizona heat.
I also reworked Day 2, following Val’s suggestion to bring more of the dark up higher in the painting. Not sure I succeeded, but I do like it better. You can click an image to see it without the description over the bottom.
Happy JOYful weekend everyone!
One great thing about abstract art is that it often looks great when seen from different angles. It’s like getting 2 for 1! I rotated this several times and decided I still liked it best as it was painted. What do you think? And why?
Again, I am inspired by Hiroshi Matsumoto. His use of color. The marriage between warm, rusty earth, and soft pinkish buff. I loved this before the addition of Turquoise. I do think it adds a pop of light and juxtaposition.