This challenge is going by much to fast. We are already a third of the way! Even though I feel like I have been struggling to create, I do not want to pass quickly. Haha.
I painted this on a sample size of Stonehenge Warm white. I am not sure if it is meant for watercolors, but it seemed to work fairly well. Although one area I tried to scrub started to show wear. I painted it vertically, liked it better this way. And I thought I would use it as a background. As I seem to be creating those this round. Hahaha.
I started out, trying to use Jean Haynes style, but the paper was not cooperating, so I just went with it. I will try again on the Fabriano.

Without the text.

On my way home from Phoenix, I decided to make a few stops for art supplies, naturally!
Jerry’s Artarama, Woo Whoo! Two pads of Fabriano paper. I have used the rough before, always wanted to try the smooth as well. I found an orange Micron pen, which could be fun. Also a large palette knife and more pens.
ATC sized pads of Stonehenge paper samples for only about $1.50 were too cute to pass up. Aqua Coldpress Heavy, Warm White, and Yupo Heavy. And BOY! The Yupo is a terrific weight, nice thickness. The Aqua is super thick. I am looking forward to trying it in a larger size. It is like a heavy-duty card stock. Super thick. The Warm White is thin, but still a good weight and smooth-surfaced. Follow the link to see how they work with different mediums.

Next was Dollar Tree. While I was helping my aunt, I came across a dollar store supplies video. Well, you know how hard it is to resist art supplies. She recommended some pens, I am not sure if these are the same, but I really like them. And they did not bleed when I used them with the yellow sharpie. A mid-sized pair of scissors. I also found packs of self-laminating sheets. Roughly 4.5 x 6, perfect for postcards.