The end. For now. 6 x 6 acrylic on paper. 2017 Sheila Delgado
More play with paint and paper. This is not a finished piece, and I still am not sure what I will use these for. But the point is I am painting, experimenting. Being creative. Oh and I should add that these images are photos, not scans. The colors and lighting are off a bit, sorry about that.
I signed up for, and received two free samples of Liquitex Heavy Body acrylic paint. This is part of the Liquitex cadmium free challenge. (You can see more on YouTube as well.) I was hoping for yellow. Because, well, you know what I like to paint with yellow. But freebie beggars can’t be choosers. Two .74 oz. tubes of cad red arrived.
They have been sitting on my desk for about two weeks. I am not much of a red user. Except to make other colors. I know, I know, my favorite Shiraz is a red. But it is so much more than red. 😉
So what to do with free red paint. Hmm. Yeah, Christmas. But I never feel like painting Christmas, until about the following February. So my thought was to use it as an accent, and “tone” it down with other colors. Yesterday, I used only white and red. Today I added Fuchsia.
To start, a layer of red, applied with the brayer.
Next was about five layers of different stamps and different colors. I was adding them so quickly, I forgot to take photos.
I should have stopped there. But it was a little messy in that bottom left corner.
There you go Sheila. Now you have really mucked it up. Only one thing to do.
And here we are. Stage one done.

The end. For now. 6 x 6 acrylic on paper. 2017 Sheila Delgado
There is a lot of wonderful texture going on from all the unseen layers.
Time to sit down to Season 2 of the Crown!
Happy Weekend!
Your work is always so inspiring and cheerful, Sheila. So grateful you share with us through your blog.
Aww, thank you Chandra 🙂 Really enjoyed your Martin Luther King Jr. post. It was an inspiring day, so many showing him honor 🙂
Great experimenting! Carry on…don’t worry they will find a place to be. or not.. Who really cares when you are having fun!
Thank you Carol. Several of these are sitting on my desk, one finally called to me. I am having fun, accomplishing nothing much. LOL 🙂
Thanks a bunch pinknabi 😉 (looked on your blog for your name, missed it.)
Hi Sheila. My name is Cy
Hi Cy! So nice to meet you. I really enjoyed your post on extravagance 🙂 You will feel so much better when you have simplified!! Happy traveling to you 🙂
I’m the same way,not thinking of a holiday until it is Long passed.
Ooooo The Crown! Isn’t it good?
LOL, Whew, not just me, LOL. 😉 It is Kat. I find myself looking things up though, to see if it really happened that way. :))
How lucky you are to get paint for free!! I followed the link, but I didn’t see any mention of their giveaway. I was hoping to sign up, and hopefully I’d get yellow, and we could trade. 😀 Aw, well. You can always mix the red with some blue, if purple is more your thing?
Next time, I will be sure to let you know Katie 😉 LOL. That is how I usually use red, to make purple. LOL
I thought they wanted me to compare and answer a questionnaire or something. But only the paint arrived. And I have not found on their site, a link to report in. :/
Sheila, thanks for the play by play. I love the chance to step into your studio and watch the evolution. Further, I value highly your experimentation, your not knowing what you are even going to use these experiments for.
Thank you Dotty. So glad you enjoyed the tour 😉 It is freeing, not to have a grand plan in mind. But I don’t have to tell you that 😉 Have fun!
I did it again. I really like the one you said was mucked up 🙁
LOL 🙂 Maybe I should start consulting you when I think I have ruined a piece. 😉
If nothing else, you seem to be having fun playing. I got a kick from your comment that you don’t like to paint Christmas until February – what a hoot!
Glad you laughed Val 😉 it seems I never get good ideas for Christmas, or any holiday, until after it has passed. LOL