Soul Art 2016


Soul Art 2016, watercolor, oil pastel on Yupo.

Soul Art 2016, watercolor, oil pastel on Yupo.

This year, my soul art came in pieces. My day was sliced in half. I did the guided journey work in the morning, and returned to paint in the evening. I had a slightly stressful afternoon, and sitting down to paint was such a treat.

I turned on Laura‘s closing hang out, and listened as I worked. These are 6 x 6 inches squares, and the small one is an ATC, 2.5 x 3.5 inches.

The first two are pieces I had abandoned months ago. While reaching for a clean sheet of paper, I saw their colorful corners sticking out. Were they calling to me?

I pulled them out of my paper stash, and looked at them for a long time. The top one only had the base colors on it, and some yellow crayon marks. The second, had just the blue.

Soul art, five topic images.

Soul art, five topic images.

My five topics, the things that came to mind first:
Color, ocean, faces, flowers, pattern.
I did not have magazines handy, so I pulled images from Pinterest. The images that called to me are here.

The five descriptions are cheerful, thoughtful, bold, flowing, sensual.

I did not consciously think of these while painting, but you can see that some of them are present in the work.

The two bottom pieces were really all about play. The ATC started as an abstract.

None of these are finished works. I think I may take a cue  from Dotty Seiter, and they may show up as part of a collage!


You can read more about my Soul Art experience in Laura Hollick’s Soul Art Gallery. I am still catching up on the Facebook posts and reading about the other artists in the gallery. Several of you mentioned signing up. If you were able to take part, please comment with a link so I can visit!





10 thoughts on “Soul Art 2016

  1. laurie mueller

    Yay- what a treat to see all these beautiful images and read about your thoughts about them. I love them all! I have a little break that Little Luddie allowed for, so, as I told Dotty, I’m checking out what my friends are doing!, If I HAD to pick favorites, #3 and #5. But they’re all so colorful and bright!

    1. Sheila Post author

      LOL. Oh the joys of being a new fur parent 🙂 need to do some catching up this weekend as well. #5 is my favorite, but I had fun with them all. Enjoy Laurie 🙂

  2. Susan

    I too like the flow and movement in the last one~reminiscent of the colors behind ones eyelids while dreaming at the ocean. Keep on blogging. I love to see what you are doing.

    1. Sheila Post author

      I love those visions Susan, and wish we could capture them like a photo to view later. 🙂 Thanks for visiting my friend, hope all is well in your neck of the woods 🙂

  3. Dotty Seiter

    Really fun to see and hear about your Soul Art Day, Sheila, and I look forward to finding out more when your link is at Laura Hollick’s gallery. Your first image above keeps catching my attention—looks like a fish/dragon/iguana/creature eating its own tail! Lots to think about there. Maybe it’s eating its own tale!

    Smiling at your allusion to my turning some of my paintings into collage fodder. You can bet that I’ll be watching to see what evolves with these pieces : )

    1. Sheila Post author

      Love reading your interpretation Dotty! I was sort of thinking a fire breathing turtle. But not a mean one. Maybe he just likes his meals cooked instead of sushi 😉 I have always loved the word Iguana. So, yes! And you are right, there is a tale in there for sure. 🙂 Oh goody! You will be my accountability partner 😉 But I may not get to play with them more until after the move. I have 4 pieces I need to do by the end of the month. This week actually!! And then a commission for my cousin.And I am still working on a fabric for recovering my chair. Oh my!

    1. Sheila Post author

      Ugggh, the dentist. Hope that went well for you, pain free. LOL I thought the day was going to be lost, I had a Dr’s appointment in the afternoon. But everything worked out and the traffic was not even that bad, so I got lucky. Think about signing up, so you will be notified for next year. I am pretty sure there is a link just for Soul art, and not for her regular newsletter, if that is what you choose. Thanks Carol for visiting 🙂

  4. Val van der Poel

    Hi Sheila. All of these are very interesting although I like the last one best. It sounds like the painting improved your day which is always a good thing – super pieces.


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