L.Y.A. 2016 #4, “Beth” Digital sketch by Michelle Swetnam.
Yikes, #4 already! Only two more too go. So thankful that I have more side swaps to look forward to as well. This magical card came to me from Alexandria, VA. Which is just outside Washington, D.C..
Michelle Swetnam is a writer as well as an artist, and the back of her card is proof of it. Fourteen lines of tidy penmanship! I can only ever fit four or five in my messy writing. Michelle tells me that she finds drawing on her tablet frustrating. But from where I am sitting, it looks like she has mastered it. Beth has plenty of personality.
Michelle writes Zines on many topics including positivity (love that word) and creativity. She even trades them, and you can contact her if you would like to be part of one of her future projects. Which I am going to do. Sounds fun!
If you send her something beautiful, like a postcard, she will post it on her site and send you something back. How fun is that! You can find Michelle on Instagram and Etsy. I have so got to get on Instagram.
Michelle’s honesty motivated me to take pen to paper and do a quick sketch simply because I have not sketched in a while. I need to add to my faces, that told myself I would try to do more often. Months ago. I am laughing at the cowboy hat. A cross between The Flying Nun and Fire hat I think. It is better than the watercolor I tried today. So I am happy with it!
Thanks Michelle for the inspiration! I love pondering Beth!

Cowboy, 3 x 3 pen on Mineral paper, © 2016 Sheila Delgado
Cool cowboy 🙂
That was a quick one 🙂
Sheila, love your quick cowboy sketch, especially since it would never even cross my mind to sketch a face. And, speaking of faces, I continue to admire your self-portrait every time I open your blog. Thanks, too, for sharing LYA postcards and links.
So glad you like the sketch Dotty 🙂 I am not as good at faces as I would like to be, I need a lot of practice 🙂 Glad too, that you like my blog photo. If it makes you feel welcome to visit, it is doing it’s job 🙂
I love your cowboy and the postcard! I’m still waiting for my 3rd postcard, I guess it takes longer to get to the UK. Enjoy the rest of the swap 🙂
Thanks Libby 🙂 Well one good thing, your swap will last longer than ours. LOL. I hope you enjoy the rest of the swap as well. I’m looking forward to Kat’s (Sloma) card, hers are always so pretty 🙂
LOVE your cowboy drawing!! Great Job. Thank you for sharing the info on Michelle. I will have to check out her site!! Happy Drawing to you.
Thank you Joan 🙂 Sio glad you are visiting her site 🙂 Happy creating to you as well 🙂