Celebration Declaration



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The Declaration of You will be published by North Light Craft Books this summer, with readers getting all the permission they’ve craved to step passionately into their lives, discover how they and their gifts are unique and uncover what they are meant to do! This post is part of The Declaration of You’s BlogLovin’ Tour, which I’m thrilled to participate in alongside over 100 other creative bloggers. Learn more  and join us!

The Declaration of You website has all the information on how you can share your own posts, join Facebook parties and so much more! Declare yourself! This Friday, July 26th, you can join us in the Facebook comment party at 12:30-1 pm EST. I’ll be there!


Do you do the happy dance?

I have to admit, it had been a long time since I had done the happy dance. Until a few days ago.  Just a quick one mind you. A little toe shuffle I remember from tap class. But it was in front of three people. Three very good friends. (They all had a good laugh!)

And I have to admit, IT FELT GOOD!

So why was I doing a silly dance in someone else’s house, in the middle of the day? Because I FINALLY got the printer to work after 6 attempts! I was printing a 2 sheet booklet. 8 pages. Landscape, check. Flip on short side, check. But her poor, aged computer was dying a slow death. What I wanted it to do, and what it was doing, were two different things.

Just a little hump day hurdle. A minor victory, but I was happy. And I decided to show just how happy I was. I can’t claim any credit for taking a big scary step out of my shell or anything. Naomi and I have known each other for years. We have been known to dance down the aisles while shopping. And sing in the car. And just be generally much too silly for respectable adults.

But it is fun. Celebrating feels GOOD. We all need a little feel good in our day. I do not have a huge success to celebrate every day. But I can find a few small ones to smile about. Part of the fun of following blogs, for me, is sharing the joys of others. I was too shy to be a cheerleader in school, but I do a great cheer-leading blog comment! It feels good doesn’t it, to give someone a shout out or a high five? We can do that for ourselves too!

As creatives, bloggers, entrepreneurs, artists. We are taking the road less traveled. You know how hard it is for non-creatives to understand the intangible, much less to thoroughly appreciate the seriousness of your efforts. Your struggles, your accomplishments.

Give your self a shout out! Put your hands in the air and shake your booty a bit. Show yourself some LOVE! Some of the ways I celebrate:

Happy dance in my seat • High five in the air • Call a friend for a shout out • Buy art supplies • Nibble something sweet • Treat myself to take out •  Turn on some tunes

A few songs that came to mind:

Ideas I came across, that I am going to work into my celebration repertoire:

  • Get outside! Walk the block, or explore the yard for a gorgeous bloom, or leaf, stone, or twig.
  • Celebrate with a pet! Engage in play, or simply revel in their pure joy from being alive. 
  • Celebrate a setback, as an opportunity to make myself better. (tough one)
  • Celebrate my accomplishments at the end of the day, instead of focusing on my to to list.

How do you celebrate big and little wins? What are your favorite songs to celebrate with? What songs remind you of the best, happiest times in your life?  Help me build a top 100 Celebration list! Or join us at the Facebook party and share your gotta-move-grooves with all of us!

Celebration reminder, print and share

I am wise postcards

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Declaration of you contributors

6 thoughts on “Celebration Declaration

  1. Kimberly Kling (@JoyfulRoots)

    Love this post, Sheila! I’ve never actually thought about re-framing a setback as a reason to celebrate. That would be a challenge, but a good one to master! I also like celebrating with my dog and talking a walk with her. She loves it too! 🙂

  2. Callie Carling (@PlayfullGenie)

    Oh YES!!!!! I love your celebration declaration, Sheila – this spoke volumes to me:
    “Celebrate my accomplishments at the end of the day, instead of focusing on my to to list”

    Off to celebrate with a joyous wiggle now – just because!!!!!

    Thank you for sharing x


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