It’s been too long since Mingus made an appearance. I know a few of you will welcome these photos, even if they are slightly dreary. I love watching the sky change.
Yesterday’s high was 93 degrees. Will be again today. The heat has come on quick. We are in our Monsoon season now. Continues through September. I am looking forward to it.
Something New And Blue
I replaced my table. Woo Whoo! I searched the internet for about a month before I found one that was “just right”. It is shorter (length) than what I had before. By about a foot. I really didn’t use the extra space much, except for storing my to-do projects. I always sat to the right, and that extra foot was out of reach. Ha-ha. Now I find myself sitting fairly center, and I can reach just about everything I need to.
This led to relocating my art supplies and do-dads. I have two drawer units on the right side of the table, (3 drawers, the plastic cheapo’s from Walmart). On top of them, I have my printer. So much easier to access, before it was under the table. Now it sits a couple of inches higher than the table top.
The table is from IKEA. Solid pine. The top has a clear lacquer that is “easy to clean, resistant to liquids, food stains, oil, heat, scratches, and bumps”. It is warm and, welcoming. It came with white legs. I painted them Prussian blue. But honestly, they are in shadow and look black to everyone else. Ha-ha.
I ACTUALLY managed to build it myself! HA!! The aprons and legs had to be attached to the top. Here’s an interesting tidbit. Prussian blue is used as a medication to treat radioactive cesium poisoning. Good to know.

Was A Bear
I have been in hibernation mode. Two months since my last post. I started writing this one over a month ago. Well, I thought I had started. I really had just prepped the photos, and placed them in the post.
I had three long days chauffeuring my folks around Phoenix at the beginning of my “hibernation”. I knew I would need a few days recovery. But the tired turned into a flare, and that turned into me having cold symptoms. The recovery from that was another two weeks. A month and a half later, and I am still feeling more tired than my Lupus usual.
As a result, I am not creating much. I am managing to stay productive otherwise. I started two pieces about a month ago. Mixed media on panels, they will be gifts. I applied scraps of papers, part of a decorated tissue box, and some leaf skeletons I have had for over ten years.

I used a comb, stencils and various tools to apply paint. That was a week ago. I’ll get back to them later this week. (I had another busy three days in Phoenix, with friends from So. Cal. And of course, that meant recovery time as well.) The pieces are close to being finished, I am hoping to complete them this weekend.

I am still not sure what these two paintings will become. I will keep you posted.
Surprise Spring Snowfall

On the road at 5:30 am, I saw this. Snow on the hills. On May 23rd! Halfway to Phoenix, it was sunny and warm, and the sky was clear.
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Rabbit

It’s been a long time since I have spotted a rabbit. This little one was tiny. Just before dark, he was hanging out. A couple came walking by, they were on the other side of the street. As soon as he heard them, he crouched down. Like a cat stalking its prey. He tucked in his ears and got as low as he possibly could. He became one with the earth. Ha-ha.
When it was safe, he slowly, very slowly, began to rise. He looked like a balloon that was being inflated. Finally, one ear popped up, then the other. And then he was gone.

New Designs Available In My Spoonflower Shop
Thirty of my designs are newly available for purchase. That brings my total offerings to 112 fabric, wallpaper and gift wrap offerings. I am happy with how they all printed. Pardon the wrinkles, I still need to wash the fabric.

I hope you had a holy hand grenade ready with the deadly camouflaged attack rabbit so nearby!
Ha ha ha! It was so funny Dave 🙂
Hi Sheila,
Great work! So sorry to hear you have not been feeling well. Hang in there! I have just reset my routine to hang with our new summer schedule..A 6:30 am wake up call has me in bed by 10:30, but had a great painting session finally today after finally adjusting to this new routine. We got this!! 🙂
Thank you Sandra 🙂 WOW! Go you!!! High five on the awesome session 🙂
At least I am getting things done, if not the painting. But I am geared up to paint tomorrow. And I will have time this weekend too.
Keep rocking it Sandra! 🙂
I did the same thing yesterday. I had several blogs hanging in limbo which I discovered because I was missing you and then realised that in order to get comments, I actually need to blog. Duh! Welcome back!
I love the first couple of WIP images. I seem to be liking soft pinks lately. And your bunny is so sweet. It used to be that I would drive down my road around dawn and there would be thousands of bunnies mowing the grassy landscaped verge. They live in the linear park which follows the creek behind my condo. Perhaps you need to be up at dawn.
Well, that rarely happens, me up at dawn. LOL. You are probably right Sea 🙂 They relocated some of the Pronghorns from here. Maybe the rabbits have taken over those areas. LOL.
When I started the WIP’s, I had set out lots of earth tones. But somehow the pinks won out.
Yup, not blogging will certainly bring you lots of quiet, Ha-ha. Quiet begets quiet. And I was feeling, quiet. ;o)
Glad to be back, and glad you are here too Sea 😉
The photos are gorgeous, not at all dreary! Love the rainy season, ours has gone… just heat but so far no humidity! Love your new table, and new works! That looks like s BIG one there!
Wishing you good health and lots of Brachot! So good to see you back!
Thanks so much, Carol for the good wishes 🙂
I am hoping our season is abundantly wet. Last year I think it was less than we expected. Or shorter.
I think the panels are 8×8’s. So a little larger than my usual. They are for a couple of little girls, so lots of bright colors 😉
Abundant good health to you my friend! I am enjoying your small sketches. High five for doing your daily’s!
Hi Sheila, Always wonderful to see your posts. Sorry you’ve been sick. I have been too. Almost all of May and I’m still tired too. Been painting a little the last few days. Not looking forward to HOT. We’ve had an amazing June with cool temperatures and rain. I know a lot of people have had hardships with the flooding, but I’ve loved the rain and cooler weather. Hope you stay well and get stronger. Love and hugs, Karin
Hi Karin!
So sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well. I hope you gain your strength back soon, and that your energy increases. 🙂 It’s a bummer to want to do things, and not be able to work up the energy to actually do them. LOL. ;o/ (I think I can, I think I can…)
The last day I was in Phoenix it was 109! Usually, it does not bother me too much. But with low energy, it felt like the heat just zapped what little I had. I know with the floods and destructive storms it might sound crazy to want the rain and thunder. But we are fortunate that we are not in a flood zone. The desert just sucks it up so quickly. The cooler wet weather is so rare here, it’s a treasure when it happens. 😉
Love and prayers sent your way 🙂
Nice to hear from you again Sheila. I was just thinking about you the other day and hoping you were ok. I think all of us need a break from our usual pattern occasionally. I hope you continue to feel better. Your mixed media piece looks interesting and I like some of your fabirc designs, especially the one with the limes.
Thanks so much for visiting Val 😉 And thank you for thinking of me 🙂 The limes printed so nicely, very fresh and “happy”. I originally painted that for a recipe, and at some point, I thought it would make a cute pillow.
Happy creating to you Val 🙂
Sheila! So happy to see your new post!
Hibernation: yup, That’s where I’ve been living also, as you know.
Your works in progress on panels pique my interest—the textural quality is compelling. And I like the way the wrinkled fabric sports your lively lovely new designs. And your new table! Outstanding—love the prussian blue legs!
All best wishes to you for energy and health, joy and creativity!
Thank you four times Dotty!! I appreciate your good wishes 🙂
Yup, my inbox has been quiet, so I know I am not alone. 😉 I hope your time away is serving you well. Feeding your soul 😉
The panels are 1/2 inch watercolor panels. There is a grainy texture to them. Some of the papers wrinkled and that unexpected texture is a nice surprise.
Wishing you JOYful creating, and soulful stillness 🙂
Happy to see you back! Sorry about the flare-ups. Hugs. I think I’ll write a post this week about our special bunnies. I think you’ll love them. Looking forward to the completion of your projects. Love the new table!!!
Thank you Chandra, happy to be back 🙂 Oh, I am looking forward to seeing your bunnies! How is your office organizing coming?
I’ll share the bunnies some time this weekend. Office organizing? Ha! I haven’t started. I have to clear some “serious” writing off my plate first. I knew if I started cleaning and organizing I’d miss my deadline. So, I’ll be starting the week after next. I’ll update you then!
Oh, I bet you have great images Chandra 🙂 Something to look forward to.
Oh well, the office will always be there. Waiting for you. LOL 🙂
Chat with you soon!
They’re sweet, but active bunnies. I did my best. 😉
😉 ha ha ha 🙂
Bunnies are up!
Just saw them, so soooo cute!!
I just realized…your link doesn’t show when you comment. Why is that?
You mean on your blog, or here. There is something wrong, and when I like on your site, and others, it doesn’t show my avatar anymore. But it still shows on other blogs. I have no clue why. If it is here… I need to set it up like that. I think. I will take a look 🙂
In the notifications dialogue. Whenever you comment, it doesn’t allow me to hit a link. In fact, it no longer includes your website. :-/
That is me forgetting to add it. ;o/ I will remember now. Some of them, other sites, it adds automatically.
Did you get my response? It seems to have disappeared.
Think so… I have to approve comments before they are visible.