Seven Days


Day 1.

Seven days, seven B&W photos of your life. No people, no explanation.

Another memory from the fire. The day that I drove my friends brother to see what the damage was, we walked through the remains of both houses. We took photos, so that the two families could see for themselves. Residents were still not allowed back.

We found a few angel chotchkies that had sat on his mother’s kitchen windowsill. And all the knives were sitting upright and perfectly spaced as if they were still in the wood block. Only they were now on the floor, and missing all of their handles.

Some of the adobe walls of her parents house were still standing, leaning slightly. And all along them, on both sides, was a pile of sand. Adobe that had been shed.

Ok Sheila, where are you going with this?

At my friend’s house, (same property) I found a perfect Sea Biscuit. Pristine white, just sitting there. I reached to pick it up, and it disintegrated through my fingers.

How in the world, does a delicate sea shell survive (almost) a wildfire?


Day 2


Day 3

We celebrated my brother’s birthday last weekend, HaPpY BiRtHdAy Brother! When he arrived at the house after dark, he accidentally ran over a King snake. King snakes are immune to the venom of other snakes. Including Rattlesnakes. They take on snakes and prey larger than they are, and kill by squeezing the victim to death. They are not poisonous. If you look closely, you can see that the stripes are not all perfect.

My brother didn’t want to hurt him, so he moved the snake to the other side of the street. But I, and my brother’s wife, told him the humane thing to do was to kill him quickly. It was obvious that the tire had clipped the snake’s head.

I kept getting close, to get a good picture. Everyone told me to back up, but the snake was barely moving. Besides, that was the most exciting thing to happen during this seven-day challenge!

So yeah, I am a weenie about spiders, but I can handle snakes.


Day 4


Day 5

Love the “changing” shapes of the mountains.


Day 6

New growth. Five or six new leaves there.


Day 7






10 thoughts on “Seven Days

    1. Sheila Post author

      It’s the lighting at that time. I didn’t like it as much while taking it, but on the screen, nice 😉

    1. Sheila Post author

      The light in that corner was perfect. The leaves just glow in the morning, such a cheerful green. I was really focused on the new leaves coming in, so many. And the stalks and leaves are so dramatic I think. So glad you liked it 😉 Happy creating my friend!

    1. Sheila Post author

      AFTER, the challenge Val. Hahahaha. I was going to challenge you, but I thought you had already been picked. 😉 Have fun with it, I look forward to seeing them 🙂

  1. simply painting

    Love your black and white pics, especially Day 1. Those shells are beautiful. Interesting information about the fires and the snake. Things I didn’t know. Seems like we learn something new every day.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Such a good thing, Learning, don’t ‘cha think? Well, I wanted to post there for the few who did not see them on FB and I thought a couple stories would lessen the boring factor. LOL. I love my shells. Some found, and some purchased or given to me as gifts. Good luck with your giveaway Karin!!

  2. dotty seiter

    What a touching and compelling post, Sheila. The simplicity. The element of mystery. The juxtaposition of words and wordlessness. The stories. The questions. Black and white.

    Thank you.


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