Little Star

Little Star, 4 x 4 Watercolor on Strathmore 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.
Little Star, 4 x 4 Watercolor on Strathmore 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © 2021 Sheila Delgado.

Most days, I wake up with a song in my head. Nah. Not a Pollyanna “song in my heart”. Haha. It’s often a very annoying song. Playing on repeat, before I am even fully conscious.

I usually try to figure out, where the thought might have come from. Was it something I saw, something I read? Maybe a silly clip from Youtube. If there is time, I will look the song up, and listen. Usually, that clears my internal playlist.

Today, the opening line of Little Star came to mind. And that made perfect sense, as a title for these wonky flowers. Maybe it was meant to be. I painted them before bed last night.

16 thoughts on “Little Star

    1. Sheila Post author

      Indigo is one of my favorites, and it had been a while since I used it as a background. Have fun creating Chandra!

  1. Johanne

    I haven’t listened to this song before and it goes so well with this painting. I really love that tiny one, can’t say the same for the song😅. Happy Springtime Sheila 🙏

  2. Dotty Seiter

    Sheila, here is what Little Star brought me at the end of a complicated, challenging day: calming spareness, refreshing directness, spaciousness, energizing contrast, pops of upbeat and bright. Perfect! Thank you!

  3. laurelle cidoncha

    Charming painting, Sheila! “Little Star,” indeed…they are twinkling in the dark sky held by their earthly green vase. Dreams are so interesting, an inconclusive window of what might be going on that sometimes gives helpful hints. I also occasionally rise with a tune in my head and it usually becomes the theme of the day;) Today’s “song” is “A Girl Like You,” Adam Levine. And that’s because my son sent me a cute little video of a dad and his daughter singing it together in the mirror. But probably, more importantly, because I have found out that I’m going to be a grandmother:) Happy Spring to you!!xoxox

    1. Sheila Post author

      Well, I just found out exactly how behind the times I am. 2017? Cute video 🙂 (Levine)
      Your excitement is contagious. You have so much sweet cuteness ahead of you! Hooray!
      What fun! Happy Spanish Spring to you Laurelle! Hugs 🙂

  4. Val van der Poel

    Sweet and it does go with your painting. I usually know where those annoying songs come from – our music practices – and they always seem to happen in the middle of the night – sigh!.


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