Trees W.I.P.



Trees WIP. 6 x 6 mixed media on paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado

Trees WIP. 6 x 6 mixed media on paper. © 2017 Sheila Delgado


Another attempt to paint a cactus. But From the beginning dripping layers, these trees made themselves known. They remind me of the tall palms that are such an iconic symbol of Los Angeles and Beverly Hills.

Had the idea to add orange on top. To be a focal point. Or maybe I will add it to all the trees. Thinking of maybe going back in with a damp towel to bring back some of the lights in the first layers. Actually, most of the lights ended up between the trees. That is how I knew they were trees. Ha.

A few of my thoughts. Would love to hear what you think. I used a comb for detail in the foreground, I went back in with color that was not diluted as much as I thought it was. I may go back in and reclaim some of that texture as well.





6 thoughts on “Trees W.I.P.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Thanks so much Carol! I noticed on my drive yesterday, that yes they do grow to be tall, and so amazing because some are damaged and have chunks missing. You think they would weaken and fall down. But you can see many damaged ones that are still standing. Interesting. Dotty has her own special way doesn’t she 😉

  1. dotty seiter

    Sheila, I’m fascinated that you start out with cactus in mind and then end up elsewhere. Would love to know more about your process. How do you begin—what’s the first ‘layer’? what’s the second?

    What I’m seeing here, when I let go of the cacti and trees as mentioned in your post, are tall, willowy, strong women carrying baskets chock full of whatever they bartered for at market; they are walking home, talking, singing, at one with each other, at one with walking and carrying, at one with the work of their muscles, laughing every now and then.

    1. Sheila Post author

      LOVE your story Dotty! They do look like willowy young women! I have to apologize, I thought I took photos to share with YOU Dear Dotty, But when I went to my phone, there were none. LOL So caught up in the merriment of creating I guess. I promise on the next one I will document each step 🙂 And Now I HAVE to do a next one. Yippee!

  2. Val van der Poel

    This is so much fun Sheila. But instead of the orange at the top on the tree for a focal point, I imagine a clever little boy who climbed the tree on the left – that’s why it is so big below the foliage. Maybe he got stuck or maybe he just likes being way up high. Super texture and the trees look like they are having a nice visit with each other.

    1. Sheila Post author

      Lovely thoughts Val, Thank you 🙂 Love the idea of the trees visiting 🙂 And being visited by a clever climber :)Much better than what that tree made me think of. All the dead fronds that have not fallen or been trimmed. I feel bad for palms that have not been groomed, but it is expensive I am sure, for the folks who have them in their yards.


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