Day 10 WIP


Day 10 wip. Acrylic on paper, © 2016 Sheila Delgado

Day 10 wip. Acrylic on paper, © 2016 Sheila Delgado


Calling this a work in progress because it is just plain… plain. I started it early in the day, then hem and hawed about finishing. I chose acrylics, listening to that critic in my head who kept saying “I can’t paint those hills in watercolor!”



But it was still difficult. Due to the fact, I am sure, that I had convinced myself I could never do God’s glory justice. Layers later, I have at least learned from the process. And ideas are brewing for the next steps.  The dark areas in the sky, on the left, are ripples in the paper. I rather like the effect! Here is the photo I was working from.

Take a look at day 10 on
Leslie Seata’s 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge!
My Pinterest board for the event is bursting with fabulous works by amazing artists!





12 thoughts on “Day 10 WIP

  1. Val van der Poel

    You have picked yourself a challenge, Sheila. I think a less water in your paints will decrease the blending that is happening and allow some stronger strokes to help define the mountains. Good luck with it!

    1. Sheila Post author

      That is it exactly Val. I thought those strokes were too dark, so I went back over them with a watery layer. Thanks for taking a look 🙂

  2. corinnebekker

    Great that you’re challenging yourself. Maybe this kind of painting just needs more layering. So your on the right track. There’s great depth between the dark forefront and the rest of the mountain pieces. I hope you work on and show your progress!

  3. Laurie Mueller

    Oh, but you ARE doing God’s work every time you pick up a paintbrush and use your gift! You handled the mountains beautifully…..hard subject if you ask me. Great shadows, and I love the rusty color against the blue!
    (And the hills are alive!)

    1. Sheila Post author

      LOL, thank you Carol. I love your work, and value your opinion 🙂 Thank for letting me know. I will fix the link 🙂


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