Day 22 – Sea Dean’s Art Party

Twigs and Berries Wreath. 4 x 4 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper. © 2013 Sheila Delgado

Twigs and Berries Wreath. 4 x 4 watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper. © 2013 Sheila Delgado

When I worked at Michaels, my favorite item in the dried floral department was the twig wreath with red berries. It is so simple, and so pretty. Natural, country. I like the idea of using found objects. I usually do not gravitate towards red, but these berries always caught my eye. I think they are cheerful, and I would leave this wreath up all year.

I hope you are enjoying the good cheer of the season. Below are some links to cherriness. If art rocks your world (I hope it does), you can visit Sea’s site and take a gander at her goose.

Berry, merry, cheerful, Christmas!

Teach the World

I triple dog dare ya!

Baby it’s cold!

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