Day 15 – Sea Dean’s Art Party

Pear. 4 x 6, watercolor on 140lb. cold press paper. © 2013 Sheila Delgado

Pear. 4 x 6, watercolor on 140 lb. cold press paper. © 2013 Sheila Delgado

I love the tradition of giving fruit at Christmas. When I was young, we always received an orange and whole nuts in our stockings. Chocolate too, if we were really lucky. While these edible treats may not have been the first thing we went for on Christmas morning, we were always anxious to eat them. My brother and I were sure to keep ours separated. That’s mine, that’s yours… very important!

I still remember learning in school how exotic black pepper, oranges, nuts or chocolate were to acquire. One thing I am truly grateful for, is the abundance of fruits and vegetables we have available to us throughout the year. What a blessing! Kiwi, mango, pear, peas, asparagus. This year the grapes have been ginormous!

May your larder be full, and your stomach content!

Sea Dean and I invite you to visit. Christmas cello anyone?



4 thoughts on “Day 15 – Sea Dean’s Art Party

  1. Lucy Chen

    I think it’d be so fun if we can grow our fruits ourselves, don’t you think Sheila?
    My mom used to grow a lemon tree, but unfortunately it died just this year because of the extremely hot and dry weather in Sydney.

    Love your watercolors as always 🙂

    1. Sheila Post author

      Yes Lucy! I would so love to have a house on a little piece of land, where I could grow fruits and vegetables! Herbs, gourds, and lavender. My mom has lemons growing on the side of her house. They are in the perfect spot, because they get huge!

      Thank you Lucy 🙂 Loved your new painting demo!


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