Tag Archives: Leslie Saeta’s September 30 paintings in 30 days challenge

30 In 30, Day 16

Acrylic on 140 lb. paper

Acrylic on 140 lb. paper



It was super hot again today, so fall has not found Southern California just yet. Wishful thinking I suppose. Days are a little shorter.  I noticed for the first time today. Major bummer.

Hope you all had a happy Monday! Sending prayers out for friends and family in Colorado and New Mexico. For everyone, blessings!





Leslie Saeta’s September 30 Paintings In 30 Days Challenge, Day Fifteen

Mixed media on paper.

Mixed media on 140 lb. cold press paper.



wash away
clear new day
smile and shine bright
soon all
will be right.




This is the half way point. Funny to me that this woman resembles a mid-century starlet. In the movies, if anything bad happens, it is soon resolved and the final scene fades with the audience knowing that everyone lives happily ever after. 

I was working on this and half watching Vertigo, and later Rear Window. I mention that because, my painting kind of resembles Kim Novak, or Grace Kelly. Lithe, proper, with the perfect cupids bow.

I lifted up the paper too soon, Everything looked dry, but the blonde was still wet. Just a bit of a curve ball. This after my first painting of the day turned to mud. So I added a few more blonde streaks, and then I added rain, and rain drops. And then, a lucky accident.

One perfect tear. Almost perfect.

The internet has been in and out again, so I am posting late. Heading back home tonight, and then I will see what everyone else has been up to today.

Here is to another creative week ahead!


30 In 30, Day 14

2.5 x 4.5 Watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © Sheila Delgado 2013

2.5 x 4.5 Watercolor on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper. © Sheila Delgado 2013

This was done on a scrape piece of watercolor paper. Every scrap is sacred. I did this before the challenge, I still have more work to do on the paintings sitting on my desk, and I just won’t have time to finish them today. I wanted to post, in case I don’t get  home until late this evening.

Hope you all enjoy the weekend!