Tag Archives: Laura Hollick

International Soul Art Day 2013

International Soul Art Day

Laura Hollick is the Creator of Soul Art® studio. She is devoted to guiding people to connect with their spirit and create a life and business that expresses it. Art is a tool used to make this spiritual connection. The goal is to initiate healing and transformation.

International Soul Art day was May 9th. During this live broadcast, Laura led participants on a journey of self discovery. Several artists took part in the studio with her. Laura provided an in depth questionnaire, a guide through the five step process.

I really enjoyed participating in this event. The journey was a winding one, and at each turn, there was a new insight to be had. I learned a lot, and gained some perspective as well. You can read more about my experience on the Soul Art® website here.

I worked through several small pieces, here are two of them. The first is part of the body mapping, to focus on an area where healing is needed. For me that is my hands, because I have arthritis. I am afraid sometimes, that I will no longer be able to use them. But God willing, that day is still decades away.

Soul Art 2013

Soul Art 2013

Soul Art tree

Soul Art Tree

You don’t have to be an artist to take part in this. It is very meditative and enlightening. Sign up to follow Laura’s blog and for information on the next Soul Art event. You can learn more about this years event here. Follow this link to see more art by Certified Soul Art® Guides, and Soul Artists from around the world. Laura offers classes and mentors as well.